I am finding Smart Mobs much more than i expected it to be. Rheingold has gone deep into theory and actually helped me understand how it is that my journey with computers has gone the way that it has. Within 30 pages he is already into Hobbes and Huxley. Who could ask for more?
What is piquing my interest right now is his inclusion of game theory and the commons into the framework of understading the sociological impact of new mobile comm tech. This is exactly the right direction. What I find surprising and encouraging is his early emphasis on the necessity for decentralized control mechanisms to be built into systems which would employ network effects for public goods and collective action. This was one of the clearest features that I saw an immediate need for in the XR.
One of the difficulties in maintaining the civility of 'netiquette' is that there are no punishments for those who abuse them. In hosted communities, it comes down to the individual host's discretion. My experience at the well and at Cafe Utne over the banishment of a certain individual was harrowing. While it was clear that BK was bozofiltered, this did not prevent meta-discussions from popping up all over the place. This individual bade his time and waited for new individuals unfamiliar with his history to join in his cause. The irony was that he was despoiling the commons in defense of 'democracy'.
XR seeks to put teeth into peer review. A sufficient number of abuses can result in PNG. Currently, only hacking the system itself - tantamount to treason can result in permanent expulsion, tantamount to a death penalty or deportation.
A second dimension of abuse I have noticed, especially at e-thepeople.com is that a certain objectionable individual was not dissuaded from starting new threads simply by people voting negatively on those threads. So in this regard, the Master Taxonomy will force association of putatively arbitrary topics which might serve subversively to introduce either propaganda or personal meta-discussion, with real subjects of interest to the Citizen base.
I am looking forward to learning more about Kropotkin.
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