Meta XRepublic

XR Systems
January 2003

Who How
XR Systems is a sweat equity garage collective of programmers dedicated to making XRepublic real. We are developing in Java and JSP. If you are interested in joining up, please email Michael Bowen.
Michael Bowen, Conceptual Designer
Mr. Bowen is responsible for the major design concepts and human interface features of XRepublic. His background is in Business Intelligence, where he has designed decision support systems for Fortune 500 companies in various capacities since 1982. The original network administrator for Xerox Systems Group HQ under Bob Adams, Mr. Bowen developed some of the first real world business applications for Xerox' Parc Office Systems technologies. In 1991, he joined Pilot Executive Software played a key role in launching their first client-server applications. As an independent consultant and staff member of Arbor Software, later Hyperion Solutions, Bowen has developed world class solutions from Activity Based Costing to e-Commerce Analytics.