The risks to
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
of 2001-11-05
Posted 2001-10-29
The Bush Administration's hunt
for Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network has evolved into a regional crisis
that has put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal at risk, exacerbated the instability of
the government of General Pervez Musharraf, and raised the possibility of a
nuclear conflict between Pakistan and India. These unintended consequences of
the President's decision to mount air and ground attacks on the Taliban
government in Afghanistan have created a serious rift between our government's
intelligence and diplomatic experts on South Asia and the decision-makers of
the Bush Administration.
Musharraf's standing has become more
precarious as the intense American air war produces greater numbers of civilian
casualties, street demonstrations in Islamabad, Quetta, Peshawar, and
elsewhere, and discontent within his own military. The Administration's top
officials are known to view the threat to Musharraf as potentially dangerous
but manageable. "I was worried initially," a senior military planner
told me. "But Musharraf has done a good job. He's put the hard-liners in a
box and locked it." The officer was referring to Musharraf's decision
three weeks ago to force the resignation or reassignment of a group of Army and
intelligence officers he considered untrustworthy. (Musharraf himself came to
power in a coup against Pakistan's elected government, in 1999, with the help
of those officers.) Similarly, a former high-level State Department official,
who maintains close contact with events in Pakistan, said he understands that
Musharraf has assured the Bush Administration that "only the most reliable
military people remain in control of the arsenal, and if there's any real worry
he'd disarm them. He does not want the crazies to precipitate a real war."
Nonetheless, in recent weeks an élite Pentagon
undercover unit—trained to slip into foreign countries and find suspected nuclear
weapons, and disarm them if necessary—has explored plans for an operation
inside Pakistan. In 1998, Pakistan successfully tested a nuclear device,
heralded as the Islamic world's first atomic bomb. According to United States
government estimates, Pakistan now has at least twenty-four warheads, which can
be delivered by intermediate-range missiles and a fleet of F-16 aircraft.
Some of the government's most experienced
South Asia experts have doubts about Musharraf's ability to maintain control
over the military and its nuclear arsenal in the event of a coup; there are
also fears that a dissident group of fundamentalist officers might try to seize
a warhead. The Army and the influential Inter-Services Intelligence, or I.S.I.,
have long-standing religious and personal ties to many of the leaders of the
Taliban, dating back to Afghanistan's war against the Soviet Union in the
nineteen-eighties, when Pakistan was the main conduit for American support.
One U.S. intelligence officer expressed
particular alarm late last week over the questioning in Pakistan of two retired
Pakistani nuclear scientists, who were reported by authorities to have
connections to the Taliban. Both men, Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood and Chaudry
Abdul Majid, had spent their careers at the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission,
working on weapons-related projects. The intelligence officer, who is a
specialist in nuclear proliferation in South Asia, depicted this latest
revelation as "the tip of a very serious iceberg," and told me that it
shows that pro-Taliban feelings extend beyond the Pakistani Army into the
country's supposedly highly disciplined nuclear-weapons laboratories.
Pakistan's nuclear researchers are known for their nationalism and their fierce
patriotism. If two of the most senior scientists are found to have been
involved in unsanctioned dealings with the Taliban, it would suggest that the
lure of fundamentalism has, in some cases, overcome state loyalty.
"They're retired, but they have friends on the inside," the intelligence
officer said.
Musharraf and many of his newly appointed
senior aides are muhajir—immigrants who fled to
Pakistan from India after Partition, in 1947—but they are in charge of an Army
that traditionally has been dominated by officers from the Punjab region. Even
now, an estimated ninety per cent of the officers are Punjabi. "These
things matter a lot," a retired Pakistani diplomat told me. "The
Punjabi officers would be thinking that there's an earthquake or a revolution
taking place. Is it because of the ethnic background of Musharraf? Don't write
off the unhappiness within the Army."
The former diplomat also took issue with the
Bush Administration's belief that Musharraf has resolved the loyalty issue by
replacing top commanders with officers believed to be less ideological.
"To remove the top two or three doesn't matter at all," he said.
"The philosophy remains." The I.S.I., he added, is "a parallel
government of its own. If you go through the officer list, almost all of the
I.S.I. regulars would say, of the Taliban, 'They are my boys.' "
With no sign that the Taliban leadership is
weakening, Musharraf, under threat, is suspected by some officials in
Washington and New Delhi of seeking to placate the fundamentalists by looking
the other way during renewed terrorist attacks in the last month, allegedly
sponsored by the I.S.I., on Indian targets in the disputed region of Kashmir.
India and Pakistan have gone to war twice over Kashmir, which is dominated by
India but has a mostly Muslim population, and it is a highly emotional issue
for fundamentalists in the I.S.I. and the Taliban.
With the continued American
bombing of the Taliban, the strategic risks are escalating. Our government is,
in effect, working against itself as the air war in Afghanistan intensifies the
political pressure on Musharraf—internally from the I.S.I., and externally from
the street demonstrations against him, which are led by the fundamentalists.
"Nobody's going to move against Musharraf unless there's an uprising in
the streets," a second Pakistani diplomat told me. "How to prevent
the uprising is to stop dropping bombs on civilian targets."
Critics of the Administration's policy
emphasized in interviews that they viewed the war against the Taliban as just.
The problem is that the bombing has not had the quick, decisive effect that
military planners had hoped for. One senior Administration official told me
last week that, despite the bombings and the efforts by C.I.A. operatives in
the area to persuade Taliban commanders to defect, "People in my building
wonder why there hasn't been a truly significant defection." In a
subsequent interview, a former C.I.A. officer provided one reason for that
failure. The agency, he said, had few or no people in the field who speak
fluent Pashto, the language of the Taliban, and had been forced to rely on
I.S.I. officers to communicate its offers to potential defectors. Thus, he
said, "the same Pakistani case officers who built up the Taliban are doing
the translating for the C.I.A. It's like using the Gottis to translate a
conversation with the Lucheses." Another intelligence officer depicted the
language situation in Afghanistan as "madness." He added, "Our
biggest mistake is allowing the I.S.I. to be our eyes and ears."
It was a lack of operational security that, apparently,
led to the death, late last week, of one of the most prominent operatives in
the Taliban war. According to press reports, Abdul Haq, an Afghan guerrilla
leader who was a hero in the war against the Soviets, had been ambushed and
executed after a two-day standoff in eastern Afghanistan. Haq was said by the
Taliban to have been on a mission for the United States, and to have been
carrying large amounts of money—presumably to be used to induce Taliban
commanders to defect. An Afghan press report subsequently quoted a Taliban
spokesman who said that fifty of Haq's supporters, possibly including
"foreigners," had also been surrounded. Haq's death was a major
setback to the American anti-Taliban effort and to Pakistan's hopes of forming
a broad-based new government in Afghanistan. One of Haq's close friends, Kurt
Lohbeck, a former stringer for CBS Television who covered the Afghan-Soviet war
for years, acknowledged in a telephone interview that Haq, who prided himself
on his independence, had been on a temporary assignment for the C.I.A. at the
time of his death, although he "never worked with them, for them, or loved
them." Lohbeck told me, "He had two or three top Taliban people who
were willing to defect, and he was going in with C.I.A. support and money to
get these guys." Instead, he was double-crossed by the Taliban. "I'm
furious at the C.I.A.," Lohbeck said. "They didn't provide
operational security."
As Osama bin Laden continued
to elude the American forces, there was talk in the Pentagon and the White
House last week of lowered expectations. A high-level former intelligence
official talked about how the air attacks had "contained" bin Laden
and the Taliban leadership, rather than about the prospect of actually
capturing him. Bin Laden, one senior general told me, may not be dead,
"but he's hiding in a cave at six thousand feet freezing his ass
off." The former State Department official acknowledged that the air
attacks thus far had not been a success and added, "What worries me is if,
a month from now, bin Laden gets on Al-Jazeera and thumbs his nose at us. It'd
be a huge loss of prestige for the United States."
The White House's Afghanistan dilemma, and the
risks of its war, were clearly spelled out last week in a speech given by
Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., a Democrat and the chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. "The President has not been as blunt as I'm going to
be," Biden told a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations.
"Pakistan may very well, and Musharraf may, in fact, collapse. It may be
gone. . . . If that were the case, we would find ourselves with a whole hell of
a lot more forces in the region than we have now."
Biden asked rhetorically, "How much
longer does the bombing continue? Because we're going to pay an escalating
price in the Muslim world. We're going to pay an escalating price in the
region. And that in fact is going to make the aftermath of our 'victory' more
difficult. . . . I hope to God it ends sooner rather than later." Biden
also had these words for the Musharraf regime: "We have to make clear to
the Pakistanis that, notwithstanding the fact that we need you very much right
now . . . if you are going to continue to foment the terror that does exist in
Kashmir, then you are operating against your own near-term interests, because
that very viper can turn on you."
Biden came as close as any Democrat has come
since September 11th to straightforward criticism of President Bush's war aims.
The White House had no specific response, but Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert,
a Republican from Illinois, depicted Biden's public skepticism about the
bombing as "completely irresponsible." In a statement, Hastert said
that the "American people want us to bring these terrorists to justice.
They do not want comments that may bring comfort to our enemies."
The crisis may bring into play
the élite unit, operating under Pentagon control with C.I.A. assistance, whose
mission it is to destroy nuclear facilities, past and present government
officials told me. "They're good," one American said. "If they
screw up, they die. They've had good success in proving the negative"—that
is, in determining that suspected facilities were not nuclear-related.
The American team is apparently getting help
from Israel's most successful special-operations unit, the storied Sayeret
Matkal, also known as Unit 262, a deep-penetration unit that has been involved
in assassinations, the theft of foreign signals-intelligence materials, and the
theft and destruction of foreign nuclear weaponry. Sayeret Matkal's most
memorable operation took place in June, 1976, when Lieutenant Colonel Jonathon
Netanyahu, brother of the future Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, led
a team that stormed a hijacked Air France airliner that was forced down by
Palestinian terrorists at Entebbe International Airport, in Uganda, after
taking off from Tel Aviv with two hundred and fifty-seven passengers. Jonathon
Netanyahu was killed in the raid, along with two of the hostages, but the
operation is still considered one of the most successful and audacious in
modern history. Members of the Israeli unit arrived in the United States a few
days after September 11th, an informed source said, and as of last week were
training with American special-forces units at undisclosed locations.
In recent weeks, the Administration has been
reviewing and "refreshing" its contingency plans. Such operations
depend on intelligence, however, and there is disagreement within the
Administration about the quality of the C.I.A.'s data. The American intelligence
community cannot be sure, for example, that it knows the precise whereabouts of
every Pakistani warhead—or whether all the warheads that it has found are real.
"They've got some dummy locations," an official told me. "You
only get one chance, and then you've tried and failed. The cat is out of the
Some senior officials say they remain
confident that the intelligence community can do its job, despite the efforts
of the Pakistani Army to mask its nuclear arsenal. "We'd be challenged to
manage the problem, but there is contingency planning for that
possibility," one Bush military adviser told me last week. "We can't
exclude the possibility that the Pakistanis could make it harder for us to act
on what we know, but that's an operational detail. We're going to have to work
harder to get to it quickly. We still have some good access."
A senior military officer, after confirming
that intense planning for the possible "exfiltration" of Pakistani
warheads was under way, said that he had been concerned not about a military
coup but about a localized insurrection by a clique of I.S.I. officers in the
field who had access to a nuclear storage facility. "The Pakistanis have
just as much of a vested interest as we do in making sure that that stuff is
looked after, because if they"—I.S.I. dissidents—"throw one at India,
they're all cooked meat." He was referring to the certainty of Indian
nuclear retaliation: India's nuclear warheads are more numerous, more
sophisticated, and more powerful than Pakistan's; its Army is twice as large;
and its population is more than seven times as large.
The skeptics among intelligence and military
officials, however, worry that there may not be enough reliable information
about the location of all elements of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. The
C.I.A., they note, provided effective information on the warheads in the late
nineteen-eighties and early nineties, when it worked closely with the Pakistani
military in Afghanistan. At that time, the United States was a major supplier
of arms and military technology to Pakistan. The agency recruited informants
inside the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, and the National Security Agency
found a way to intercept the back-channel communications of Dr. Abdul Qadeer
Khan, the German-educated metallurgist who had run Pakistan's nuclear
laboratories since the nineteen-seventies and is known as the father of the
Pakistani bomb. But those assets no longer exist.
"We lost our interest in that area, and
we do not have the same level of contact or knowledge that we once did," a
former high-level C.I.A. officer said. "Today, there is a whole set of
information that, when it comes down to it, we don't have. We can't count
warheads. We never had the capacity to count. What we did have was a capacity
to produce unusual material"—on the general state of the Pakistani
arsenal. "The idea that you know where the warheads are at any given
moment is not right," he said. "As the operation approaches and the
question 'How certain are you?' is asked, it becomes more difficult. The fact
is, we usually know hours later. We never could do it in real time."
Other officials expressed concern about what
any team sent to Pakistan could really accomplish without risking significant
casualties. "How are you going to conduct a covert commando operation in
the middle of the country?" the former high-level State Department
official said. "We don't know where this stuff is, and it would take far
more than a commando operation to get at it."
A government expert on Pakistan's nuclear capabilities
depicted the issue in strategic terms: "The United States has to look at a
new doctrine. Our nuclear strategy has to incorporate the fact that we might
have a nuclear-armed fundamentalist government in Pakistan. Even if we know
where the weapons are now, it doesn't mean we'll know where they are if the
fundamentalists take over. And after Pakistan it could be Iran and Iraq. These
are countries that support state terrorism." Intelligence officials told
me they believe that, in case of an imminent threat, the Indian military's
special commando unit is preparing to make its own move on the Pakistani
Kashmir remains, as always, an
issue that could spark a general war in South Asia. The territory, on the
northern border of India, spanning the Himalayas, has been a subject of dispute
since 1947, when Britain's withdrawal from the subcontinent led to the
partition of the Raj into India and Pakistan. In 1949, a ceasefire brokered by
the United Nations placed about two-thirds of Kashmir, whose population was
seventy-five per cent Muslim, under the control of India, and gave nominal
control of the remaining third to Pakistan. A U.N. resolution called for a
plebiscite to allow the people of Kashmir to vote on their political fate, but
India has not permitted the election to take place, insisting that Pakistan
must first withdraw its troops. Pakistan refused to do so unless India also
withdrew. Over the years, India has taken advantage of the impasse by
increasing military and political control over its mandated area of Kashmir,
infuriating the Muslims there.
The ancestral home of the late Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru, Kashmir has a revered status for Indians, and many believe
that their country needs to hold on to the Muslim region in order to maintain
its identity as a secular nation. Pakistanis believe that Kashmir, because of
the Muslim predominance, should have become part of their nation at Partition.
For most Indians and Pakistanis, it is an issue beyond political compromise,
and Pakistan has responded to India's insistent presence by sponsoring
terrorism in an effort to foment revolution. The two countries have gone to war
over Kashmir twice, each time without a clear resolution.
India has had a tactical atomic bomb since the
nineteen-seventies, and Pakistan's became operational in the late
nineteen-eighties, although Pakistani leaders denied this fact for years. The
Kashmiri dispute first veered close to nuclear confrontation in 1990. That
spring, the American National Security Agency was monitoring what seemed to be
yet another slowly escalating series of Pakistani and Indian attacks, when
intercepts revealed that the Pakistani leadership had "panicked," as
a senior intelligence official put it, at the prospect of a preëmptive Indian
strike and had readied its small arsenal of nuclear warheads. (The previous
fall, the Bush Administration had assured Congress that Pakistan did not
possess such weapons—although it knew better—in order to gain continued
approval for military aid to the country.)
The crisis was resolved after American
diplomats intervened. Afterward, intelligence analysts concluded that the
leadership in both nations was willing to run any risk, including that of
nuclear war, to avoid political or military defeat in Kashmir. There was
another scare in 1999, a year after both India and Pakistan successfully tested
warheads. The situation was defused only with help from President Clinton.
Conditions are no more stable now. Terrorists operating out of training camps
believed to be armed and financed in part by the I.S.I. continue to hit Indian
targets, while India is known to have conducted deep-penetration raids against
terrorist camps in Pakistan. A nuclear-threat assessment published last January
by the Secretary of Defense bleakly concluded, "Given the long-standing
hostility between the two countries, even a minor conflict runs the risk of
escalating into an exchange of missiles with nuclear warheads."
Several weeks ago, on October 1st, Islamic
terrorists exploded a car bomb near the state-legislature building in Srinagar,
Kashmir, killing at least thirty-eight people, more than half of them
civilians, and wounding scores of others. In a conversation last week, a former
high-level Pakistani diplomat noted that although the bombing attracted
widespread attention in the United States, its underlying significance and its
links to the broader war on terrorism were not fully understood. "The
terrorists are not ignorant," the diplomat explained. "The state
legislature represents the link with Delhi, and hitting it symbolizes a
rejection of the Indian Constitution." Two weeks after the car bombing,
the Indians responded by shelling military positions across the ceasefire line. The Indian Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, whose
political party is facing an important state election early next year, also
brought back as Defense Minister George Fernandes, a hard-liner who had been
removed from office in March after a bribery scandal. In his first press
conference, Fernandes warned, "When it comes to punishing the enemy, we
will hold back nothing."
India's rhetoric has not
softened since then. Speculation about whether Musharraf is buying support, and
time, from his antagonists within the I.S.I. by acquiescing to the guerrilla
excursions inside Kashmir has become a repeated theme in Indian newspapers and
in conversations with Indian diplomats. Another terrorist attack, on October
22nd, this time on an Indian airbase in Kashmir, failed when a group of
would-be suicide bombers were killed in a shoot-out, but the event—it was the
first time an airbase had been targeted—led Vajpayee to reject an offer from
Musharraf to hold talks. Musharraf responded by warning darkly that Pakistan
was "not a small country." That tense exchange made it clear that
Secretary of State Colin Powell's highly visible visits to Pakistan and India,
during which he urged both sides to resolve their differences over Kashmir
through negotiation, had failed to ease the situation.
Two weeks ago, Richard N. Haass, the director
of the Office of Policy Planning, was designated as the State Department's
point man on the future of Afghanistan. Haass, who immediately scheduled a
round of briefings on the situation in Pakistan, was a logical choice: he had
been involved, as a junior White House aide, in the successful 1990 effort to
prevent India and Pakistan from going to war over Kashmir.
Some of the officials I spoke to believed that
India would not be the one to start a war. Last week, the Bush Administration
was said to have obtained assurances of restraint from the Vajpayee government.
(The Prime Minister, who cancelled a scheduled visit to the United Nations last
month in the wake of the September 11th attacks, is scheduled to meet with
President Bush in early November.) "The Indians are much stronger than the
Pakistanis," a former high-ranking government official said. A crossborder
invasion into Pakistan would be against India's interests, he said, because it
would "force Musharraf's hand": if he responded, it would trigger a
wider war; if he failed to respond, it could provoke a coup that would topple
him. "Either way, India is worse off." He added, however, that the
Indian government and its military and intelligence agencies remain deeply
divided over how to proceed in Kashmir. "India could feel sufficiently
provoked to preëmpt militarily," he said.
Referring to the air and ground war against
bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the former high-ranking government
official, who has direct knowledge of the situation, said, "The Bush
Administration is so focussed on the target and the objective that it's lost
its peripheral vision. If Musharraf is toppled in a coup, or fears he'll be
toppled, or, as a price for not being toppled, gives the I.S.I. permission to
ratchet it up in Kashmir, that's very dangerous." (Neither the White House
nor the State Department responded to a request for comment. A C.I.A. official
who was asked to comment described the questions I raised as "policy
issues," and added, "We don't do policy. I have nothing for
A Pakistani diplomat I talked to last week
acknowledged that the "situation is explosive." Much of the current
dilemma, he told me, stemmed from the Reagan Administration's decision to
finance many of today's I.S.I. and Taliban leaders in their successful war
against the Soviet Union. "At one time, it was a three-way game," the
former diplomat said. "The C.I.A., the I.S.I., and the mujahideen were
creating these Frankensteins"—the Taliban—"and now the C.I.A. has
pulled out, but you can't totally destroy the Frankensteins."
Another American intelligence official pointed
out that Vajpayee, like Musharraf, was in a delicate position. "Vajpayee
is under pressure to take out the camps in Pakistan and in the staging
areas," the official said. The Prime Minister and his External Affairs
Minister, Jaswant Singh, were "holding back the dam, but now that
Fernandes is back Singh has lost influence," the official told me.
"All the major figures in India said, 'We're not going to go across,' but
that's if nothing else breaks out."
The former State Department official said that
Musharraf, eager to find a way to justify the war to the Pakistani public, has
sought in talks with U.S. officials to provide Pakistan's support in exchange
for an American commitment to endorse the Pakistani position in Kashmir. The
senior intelligence analyst confirmed that Indians had been alarmed by the
muted private response of the Bush Administration to the October 1st bombing
incident in Kashmir. "I've seen tough messages to the Pakistanis—'Keep
these guys under control,' " he noted, but that message was not sent this
time. He went on, "The I.S.I. is being allowed by Musharraf to develop
policies of its own—to run Afghan policy and Kashmir policy. And that's where
the danger is, if we continue to push the Indians. What would happen if there's
another attack like October 1st?" Referring to the senior managers of the
Bush Administration, the intelligence analyst said, "Americans have
underestimated Indian anger— underestimated the degree of antiPakistan feeling
that has developed inside India."
Not everyone in the intelligence community
believes that Musharraf could stop the cross-border activity even if he wanted
to. "I doubt he is encouraging these attacks in Kashmir," a former
official said. "But it's very hard for him to control it. He's not going
to alienate the I.S.I.—he's going to need them if and when it comes to stopping
a demonstration. He has less control than Arafat has over the terrorists in the
West Bank."
"Nitrogen and glycerine are being shaken
up here," the former high-ranking government official said. "The
Pakistanis are the small, scared ones. And they might use nuclear weapons as an
equalizer. The danger is that the fifty-year dynamic between India and Pakistan
is the backdrop for a scenario in which someone could hit a button."
In a CNN television interview
with Larry King last week, Musharraf dismissed the American concerns about the
integrity of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, depicting them as the thoughts of
those in the West "who don't really understand the reality of Pakistan. .
. . We have an excellent command-and-control system which we have evolved, and
there is no question of their falling into the hands of any
fundamentalists." However, in an interview last year with Jeffrey
Goldberg, Musharraf described the arsenal's command-and-control mechanism as
consisting of "a geographic separation between the warhead and the
missile. . . . In order to arm the missile, the warhead would have to be moved
by truck over a certain distance. I don't see any chance of this restraint
being broken." He would not say how far apart the warhead and its
launching missile were, or who controlled the system on a minute-to-minute
"That's not a command-and-control
system," one American intelligence expert subsequently told me. "You
always keep the weapons separate." Musharraf's description, he added,
"is like the argument the Pakistanis used to use in the late
nineteen-eighties and early nineteen-nineties that they did not have a bomb because
they hadn't put the components together." The intelligence expert also
suggested that the Musharraf account was not credible. "What happens in a
crisis? Are you going to have to drive warheads to the delivery vehicles? And
leave you vulnerable to an enemy strike? A real command-and-control system
allows you to have them ready to go, but always under the control of the
One longtime C.I.A. operative who served under
cover in South Asia argued that Musharraf is simply telling Washington what it
wants to hear. "Why should he tell us the truth?" the operative said.
"He's fighting for his life. We sit there dumbly listening to him, and
it's wrong."
Pakistani military officials have approached
Pentagon officials several times in the past decade in an unsuccessful attempt
to get support for an upgrading of Pakistan's nuclear command-and-control
mechanisms. Senior military and proliferation officials in the Clinton
Administration told me, however, that they had determined that such assistance
was barred by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, ratified
in 1968, which prohibits declared nuclear states from providing any support or
guidance to any emerging nuclear power. One former Pentagon official
caustically depicted the Clinton Administration's Pakistani command-and-control
debate as being similar to the debate over condoms in high schools and needle
exchanges: "If you give out condoms, are you condoning teen-age sex? If
you give out needles, are you condoning drugs? By helping with
command-and-control, are you condoning nuclear weapons?"