'Most wanted terrorists' list releasedWASHINGTON (CNN) -- More than half the names on the "most wanted terrorists" list released by the FBI on Wednesday are men who are charged in the terrorist conspiracy behind the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa. Thirteen of the 22 names are fugitives listed on the federal indictment that followed the twin truck bombings that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans, in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on August 7, 1998. Photographs of those 13 were previously released to the public. Two other men on the list are linked to earlier terrorist plots also prosecuted in New York -- the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and the foiled 1995 plot to blow up U.S. airliners -- masterminded by convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef, who is serving a life sentence in federal prison. The 22 names on the "most wanted" list of suspected terrorists and the crimes they are alleged to have been involved in are as follows: World Trade Center bombing, February 26, 1993: Abdul Rahman Yasin, 40, an Iraqi, is an Indiana native and one-time engineering student. Investigators say Yasin lived with convicted WTC bomber Mohamed Salameh in Jersey City, New Jersey, and maintained the apartment. Salameh rented the van that carried the explosives; an indictment says Yasin taught him how to drive. Yasin was questioned by the FBI after the bombing, but released and fled the country. Plot to bomb aircraft in Far East, January 1995: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is known by a number of aliases, is a bomb expert believed to have been trained in Afghanistan. The plot to blow up airliners in the Far East, called "Project Bojinka," Arabic for "Project Explosion," was uncovered in Manila in 1995 when a fire broke out inside the conspirators' apartment. Along with Yousef, two co-defendants stand convicted in the plot. Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, June 25, 1996: Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya, Tanzania, August 7, 1998: Osama bin Laden, leader of al Qaeda, which the U.S. government maintains has led a decade-long conspiracy to kill Americans and destroy U.S. property. A 44-year-old Saudi exile, bin Laden became the subject of a federal grand jury investigation in New York in 1996 and was initially charged with terrorism conspiracy in a sealed indictment in June 1998. Muhammad Atef, al Qaeda's military chief, is an Egyptian also known as "Abu Hafs." Atef is believed to be responsible for supervising the training of operatives. Prosecutors say in 1993 he provided military training and assistance to Somali tribes who violently opposed the United Nations' intervention in Somalia's civil unrest. In an October 1993 battle, Somali tribesman killed 18 U.S. Army Rangers. Prosecutors say Atef moved from Sudan to Afghanistan with bin Laden in 1996 and serves as a member of al Qaeda's leadership committee, known as the "shura," or consultation council. His daughter married bin Laden's son Mohamed at a January wedding in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Ayman al-Zawahiri, 50, is an Egyptian exile who is reputed to be the No. 2 man in and a co-founder of al Qaeda. A medical doctor, al-Zawahiri was the leader of the outlawed Egyptian Islamic Jihad group, which aspires to overthrow the government and turn Egypt into a fundamentalist Islamic state. That group assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at a 1981 military parade, and al-Zawahiri served three years in prison in connection with the crime. Al-Zawahiri left Egypt in 1985 and lived in Afghanistan and Pakistan, fighting the Soviet-backed forces in Afghanistan. Officials have tied EIJ to a failed attempt to kill Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and a 1995 suicide bombing at the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. Prosecutors say al-Zawahiri effectively merged his forces with al Qaeda in February 1998. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, 29, from Comoros, as island off the East African coast, is suspected of being the main coordinator of the Kenya embassy bombing. According to prosecutors, Mohammed, also known as "Harun," is an explosives expert who attended al Qaeda's paramilitary training camp in Afghanistan and provided military training to Somali tribes opposed to United Nations and U.S. presence in 1993. In Kenya, he lived with convicted terrorist conspirator Wadih el Hage, and used el Hage's laptop to write reports directly to bin Laden. He fled to Comoros a week after the embassy bombing. Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan, 32, a Kenyan, is charged in the embassy bombings. Trial testimony indicated that he co-purchased both of the used trucks that carried the bombs. He fled Africa for Pakistan four day before the bombings. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, an Egyptian known as "Saleh," is accused of having a direct role in plotting the U.S. embassy bombings and is charged with murder of all the persons killed. Trial testimony identified "Saleh" as the leader of both East African terrorist cells. He fled Kenya for Pakistan the day before the bombings occurred. Saif Al-Adel, an Egyptian, has provided military and intelligence training for al Qaeda members as early as 1990 and sits on al Qaeda's "shura" council, according to prosecutors. Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali, an Egyptian, is not accused of having a direct role in either U.S. embassy bombing but is facing five counts of participating in the broader terrorist conspiracy, including training Somali tribes opposed to U.S. troop presence. Mushin Musa Matwall Atwah, an Egyptian known as "Abdel Rahman." Prosecutors allege that Atwah provided military and intelligence training for al Qaeda members as early as 1990 in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sudan and providing military training and assistance to Somali tribes opposed to U.S. troop presence in 1993. Testimony in the U.S. embassy bombings trial identified "Abdel Rahman" as the man who wired the detonator and explosives in both trucks that exploded at the embassies. Hijacking of TWA Flight 847, June 14, 1985 Ali Atwa All of those listed above have been indicted by federal grand juries. They are also covered by a rewards program offering up to $5 million each for their capture. -- CNN Producer Phil Hirschkorn contributed to this report. |
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