America Attacked:
Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, in a horrific series of events two hijacked planes hit and destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center, one plane crashed into the Pentagon and another in Somerset County, Pa. Thousands are presumed dead or injured as emergency services and relief workers continue to make sense of the chaotic scenes. The FBI and authorities across the country continue to track down those responsible for the crimes. Mike Godwin, Policy Fellow at The Center For Democracy and Technology, will be online to discuss civil liberties and congressional legislation in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks.
The transcript follows. Editor's Note: Washingtonpost.com moderators retain editorial control over Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.
Mike Godwin: Hi, folks. I'm Mike Godwin, a policy fellow with
the Center for Democracy and Technology in Washington, D.C. Arlington, Va.: Do you think it is prudent for surveillance to be heightened in times of war? Obviously there was a lack of intelligence data collected before the attacks and it seems ridiculous to not step it up in times of crisis. Mike Godwin: Obviously, some kinds of surveillance will be heightened
in war or in wartime conditions. America: What are the "right" civil liberties that we should be willing to give up? Mike Godwin: As to what the "right" civil liberties to give up
may be: New York, N.Y.: I would feel a lot more comfortable if the FBI/CIA had greater surveillance powers to root out terrorists within US borders. It makes sense to wiretap an individual, not a specific phone line as current legislation stipulates. Lots of pundits talk about how giving such authority to the FBI/CIA in order to fight terrorism would limit our personal freedom as Americans. If I'm not engaged in such activities, how would my freedom be compromised?
Mike Godwin: New York, what you say is what people often say when
the issue is expansion of policy authority -- what do I have to fear,
since I'm a law-abiding citizen? Baltimore, Md.: In my view, if we are going to ask uniformed personnel to die for our Country, then we ought to at least maintain a country worth coming back to. To ask uniformed personnel to die for our freedoms while we curtail those very freedoms out of fear for our own lives seems inconsistent and cowardly. Americans are going to be dying for some time to come, whether in uniform or in office buildings. Many people have died through the years to provide us with the rights and freedoms we currently enjoy. I am not so fearful of a pre-mature death as to surrender the rights and freedoms to be enjoyed by my daughter. I see no cause to surrender rights and freedoms that were not surrendered in WWII, WWI, and the Civil War. As Secretary Powell said, we must ensure that those entering our Country are those we desire, but that once within our borders, all must be protected by and subject to the Constitution. To me, the argument that the Constitution is only valid in times of peace is like saying there is such a thing as being "a little bit pregnant." Either you believe in the Constitution or you don't. This Country has endured the strain of last fall's elections AND this
attack of unrestricted warfare on Americans without tanks in the street,
or soldiers with fixed bayonets on every street corner. This is proof
enough that the Constitution is up to the task and well worth dying for;
whether in uniform or on Main Street. Mike Godwin: Baltimore, I think your comments are great, and I
agree with them. Columbia, Md.: It seems that this current tragedy has triggered a sudden loosening in laws regarding the civil liberties of immigrants and citizens alike, with the proposed wire tap law changes and increase in immigrant detainment periods. How much of this legislation is actually necessary to aid prosecution efforts in this case? It seems some may be using this situation and public fear as a tool to further existing agendas. Mike Godwin: Columbia, the short answer to your question is, I'm
not sure whether the proposed changes currently on the table do mch if
anything to improve the odds of successful prosecution of the remaining
terrorists or other lawbreakers, if and when they are caught. Charleston, S.C.: Is it not time to honestly evaluate the true cost of instituting such an open immigration policy into the U.S.? I realize that we are a nation of immigrants and the "great melting pot," but, given that almost all of these terrorists were either immigrants, here under some non-immigrant visa, or here illegally is it not time to more heavily and seriously scrutinize those coming into this country? The American public earlier was calling for amnesty for illegal aliens in this country citing "human rights" and civil liberties. Our current Immigration Law reflects the public's belief in open borders and we saw how easily the terrorists availed themselves of these nonsensical laws. We have the most open and liberal Immigration Laws (once again citing "human rights" and fairness) in the world, and we paid the price. Immigration and visitation into this country are privileges, not rights as many suppose, and should be treated accordingly. Mess up and you're going to be deported. Exclude those who are reasonably suspected of criminal activity from entry. That is the way it should be, not full of exceptions and waivers as the laws are now. Your comments? Mike Godwin: Charleston, what I'm hoping, with regard to our immigration
policies, is that we find a balance that continues to allow people to
come to American and commit themselves to our social and political ideals,
while at the same time screens better for potential "sleeper" agents and
terrorists. I wish I know what that balance looked like -- it's not my
area of legal specialty -- but I am so proud of the kind of nation of
opportunity that we are, and that we long have been, that I would hate
to see that nation be lost in the aftermath of all this horror. Austin, Tex.: What specific laws or proposed changes in laws are you wary of? What changes would you support? Mike Godwin: Austin (hello, Austin, my home town), I think we
should be watching very closely the Department of Justice package of legislation
that is now being presented to, and perhaps pushed quickly through, Congress.
Washington, D.C.: I used to believe that good encryption was important for privacy and rights for honest, patriotic people. Like most people, nearly all my values changed completely over the past week. I now feel totally different about encryption, and it reminds me of how I felt before my first trip to a clothing-optional beach. Ooh, everyone will see. Well you know what? Everyone saw and no one cared. I feel the same way about encryption now. Weak encryption is ok to keep out most criminals from my personal data. And, like with the beach, if everyone sees my data, big deal, I'm still alive. What do you think? Mike Godwin: Washington, there seems to be no evidence so far
that encryption was central to, or even significantly a part of, the terrorist
attack that occurred last week. wiredog: I sort of agree with Jerry Pournelle, who says that a declaration of war is needed to protect our civil liberties. They are restricted during wartime. But it is understood, and usually written into the legislation, that the laws end when the war does. By the way, heard about the latest from Redmond? Using FP2002 to write web pages that disparage MS is now a violation of the license agreement. Mike Godwin: wiredog, my friend Jerry (whose politics is pretty
much different from mine in most respects, but with whom I agree on most
civil liberties issues) is saying the sort of thing that I've seen many
other commentators and lawmakers say in the last few days -- that we ought
to be cautious before sacrificing civil liberties. Baltimore, Md. (again): If I read the bill correctly, the request is to change the wiretapping authority to be changed so that a warrant would be issued against a person, not a phone number. I THINK I understand this to mean that what is requested is authority to conduct surveillance against all communications conducted by a "certified" suspect; but is NOT requesting indisrciminate surveillance of the general population. Is that a correct reading? Mike Godwin: Baltimore, we've had roving wiretaps under federal
law for a while now. Lorton: Of all the millions of emails traded daily in the world on thousands of servers using thousands of ISPs, how can the US monitor alleged terrorists effectively? I think our civil liberties will be curtailed way too much and it will not be an effective operation, technology-wise. These culprits allegedly used computers in county libraries in the US. How will those emails be monitored? Mike Godwin: Lorton, I think your question underscores the fact
that limits on government surveillance power often actually make the job
of police investigations easier -- it's easier, and far more feasible,
to search through a bucket of (more likely to be relevant) information
than it is to search through a sea of it. Richmond, Va.: Before this tragedy occurred there was a lot of concern over so-called Bio-metric cameras being used in Tampa Florida to Identify individuals at places like the boardwalk. There was even talk about putting these type of devices on the boardwalk at Virginia Beach. I can understand security devices at airports but everywhere in public spaces makes me nervous. How about you? Mike Godwin: Richmond, I feel certain we're going to see face-recognition
technology implemented at airports and points of entry, and may some other
specific locations where the security needs are especially great. College Park, Md.: I am surprised no one has discussed or brought up the point that almost half of Americans polled last week by CNN showed that they support special ID cards for Arabs and Arab Americans. I am disgusted by this and it clearly shows that racism and xenophobia has not suddenly appeared after the terrible events of last week... they were firmly entrenched and awaited only a catalyst. How would you deal with the public's apparent desire for security and at the same time have it mean the near absolute end for the civil liberties of large swaths of the population? Mike Godwin: College Park, I think that over time most Americans
will recognize that Arab-Americans are just as traumatized as -- and perhaps
even more traumatized than -- the rest of us. Reston, Va.: "If encryption is outlawed, then only outlaws will encrypt!" Now, where have I heard something like that before? Mike Godwin: Reston, I think there are some parallels between
the calls for encryption restrictions and the calls for gun prohibitions.
Great Falls, Mont.: I certainly am willing to give up some constitutional freedoms in exchange for a country that is more secure. Given the number of terrorist out there who hate America enough to die for their cause, it seems that we may have no choice. Many people speak of violations of our constitutional rights. The constitution was written over 200 years ago and should, if necessary, be amended to meet the needs of today's society. Mike Godwin: Great Falls, do you anything particular in mind that
you want to give up? Are you sure that what you're willing to give up
would make the country more secure? Arlington, Va.: You, and several other commentators, have mentioned that a return to WWII style internment camps is highly unlikely. But, my understanding of the terrorism bill presented yesterday (which is, admittedly, not very great because it's difficult to find commentary that goes beyond the wiretapping provisions) is that it would give the government the authority to deport or detain indefinitely any non-citizen without presenting evidence or seeking judicial review. Sounds like internment camps to me, if that's an accurate reading of the legislation. Mike Godwin: Arlington, you're right that the current bill would
give the government the right to detain people indefinitely. I think that's
wrong, and I oppose that, as does every civil libertarian I know. I think
most citizens would oppose it as well. Woodbridge, Va.: Suicidal terrorists by nature have an abiding hate that enables such hideous acts. Is there any security measure even possible that can completely mitigate danger from those possessed of such hatred? What political means can assuage the hate coming this way, if any? Mike Godwin: Woodbridge, I think the terrorists don't quite recognize
the extent to which they have created a problem for themselves. Portland, Ore.: Throughout US history there have been times when the government has restricted the rights of the people and the courts tend to uphold these actions. My question is how much freedom are we willing to give up (or take from the people) to ensure the so called American Way of life...which of course has freedom as one of its core beliefs? A great quote from the Anti-Federalist Papers to consider "Remember, when the people once part with power, they can seldom or never resume it again but by force. Many instances can be produced in which the people have voluntarily increased the powers of their rulers, but few, if any, in which rulers have willingly abridged their authority." Mike Godwin: Portland, I think you're right (and the Anti-Federalist
Papers are right) that powers given up to the government mostly don't
come back without a fight. Great Falls, Mont.: Thanks for responding. I don't have anything specific in mind, but trust our lawmakers will surely debate these issues and won't take extreme steps. How can an innocent person incriminate himself? Mike Godwin: Great Falls, innocent people incriminate themselves
all the time -- sometimes just to make the interrogation stop, and sometimes
because the very interrogation process tends to brainwash people into
believing they are guilty. This has been pretty well documented. HLB ~ Mt. Lebanon, Pa.: Do aliens in this country, both varieties, enjoy the full measure of protection under law that citizens do? If so, why? And by why, I mean as a matter of law that say they do or because 9 people in black silk robes say they do? My questions are predicated on the fact that once these people show up here, there seems to be almost no way to send them home -- a situation starkly contrary to the idea of national sovereignty. Thanks much. Mike Godwin: HLB, aliens generally have far fewer rights than
citizens in this country -- even resident aliens. Chief Justice Rehnquist
has actually written about this in his book on civil liberties in wartime
-- he says the rights of government to impose restrictions on aliens are
pretty close to "plenary."
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