if there was adequate social justice in america, there would be no white guilt. but americans know that social justice in the affairs of race is not satisfactory. if there was adequate social justice, white folks would not come to expect it from any and every dark-skinned person they meet in the subways, elevators, shopping malls and sporting arenas of america. no one would justify their moral disposition on matters of race based on these random public encounters. white people would net feel sheepish asking blacks to turn down disruptive music, black people would not avoid confrontation with snotty white waiters.
these are simply issues of public manners, but they clearly indicate deeper problems. dealing effectively with these deeper problems would rid us of rediculous pronouncements on the state of race relations. the area in which citizens should address this is politics. americans should seek to deliver social justice through democratic means. this should seem obvious, however our fixation with these surface encounters demonstrates that failure.
white people wonder why they are considered enemies of blacks. the reason is twofold. firstly, they accept white citizenship. secondly they lack anti-racist politics. the race man knows these to be deadly sins.