The Great Race Quiz

Chances are that you have never had a multiple choice test like this in your life. Why is that? I know what the correct answers are to this quiz. I don't think that it is important to write them down. Rather I think that it is more important that you consider your own answers and how you arrive at them.

-- M. Bowen, January 2001

1. There is a such thing as race?

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree


2. I believe racial differences are:

  • a. socio-political
  • b. genetic
  • c. ethnic
  • d. non-existent

3. In America, race is most often determined by:

  • a. skin color
  • b. blood type
  • c. dna / genetic markers
  • d. socio-economic status

4. Racial division between humans is

  • a. natural
  • b. basically skin color
  • c. determined genetically
  • d. political designation

5. Racial divisions between humans are

  • a. natural
  • b. exaggerated
  • c. non-existent
  • d. social

Races are naturally antagonistic

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

7. I personally make racial identifications primarily based on

  • a. skin color
  • b. speech patterns
  • c. style of dress
  • d. quality of intellect

8. How accurately can the average person determine the race of any indvidual?

  • a. 90%+ certainty
  • b. fairly accurately
  • c. about 50-50
  • d. not very accurately
9. How many races exist in America?
  • a. one
  • b. 2 - 3
  • c. 4 - 7
  • d. 8 - 15
  • e. >15
  • f. don't know

10. race and intelligence are

  • a. absolutely linked
  • b. highly correlated
  • c. maybe correlated, maybe not
  • d. mostly independent
  • e. absolutely independent

11. race and criminality are

  • a. absolutely linked
  • b. highly correlated
  • c. maybe correlated, maybe not
  • d. mostly independent
  • e. absolutely independent

12. intelligence is most influenced by

  • a. parenting
  • b. social influences
  • c. heredity
  • d. economic factors
  • e. formal education
  • f. individual tendencies

13. criminality is most influenced by

  • a. parenting
  • b. social influences
  • c. heredity
  • d. economic factors
  • e. formal education
  • f. individual tendencies

14. racial identification in america is

  • a. unecessary
  • b. not specific enough
  • c. practical
  • d. flawed

15. socially successful individuals of one racial group are responsible for that group

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know


social success in america is mostly determined by

  • a. wealth
  • b. race
  • c. intelligence
  • d. beauty
  • e. chance
  • f. class
  • g. gender
  • h. political ideology

racial identification today versus racial identification 300 years ago

  • a. is the same
  • b. is more accurate
  • c. is less accurate

all races have roughly equal numbers of homosexuals

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

all races have roughly equal percentages of geniuses

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

racial identification for any purpose is immoral

  • a. agreee
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

racial identification of individuals is moral for:

  • a. medical purposes
  • b. demographic purposes
  • c. political purposes
  • d. religious purposes
  • e. constitutional purposes
  • f. no purposes

Racial segregation in America is mostly:

  • a. voluntary
  • b. natural
  • c. legal
  • d. historical

If an individual's racial characteristics could be genetically altered this would be good

  • a. only if it were reversable
  • b. only if it were permanent
  • c. it would not be good
  • d. it wouldn't matter

Each race has natural advantages over others

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

individual members of a race

  • a. cannot exceed certain racial limits
  • b. can do anything any other member of any other race can do
  • c. share most traits but not all of other races

Races stay constant over time

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

All races evolve at similar rates

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

racial purity can be determined genetically

  • a. yes
  • b. no
  • c. not yet
  • d. don't know

All races have roughly equal distributions of blood type

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. don't know


Every race has a unique culture

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

eating ethnic food helps one understand that ethnicity.

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

Genetic racial purity exists

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

Racial purity is fixed at birth

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

Over many generations, new races come into existence, others die out

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know

Language ability is racially determined.

  • a. agree
  • b. disagree
  • c. don't know