March 2, 2001
Riding the Reparations Bandwagon:
A White Woman's Perspective
By Molly Secours <>
I admit it. I, a middle aged white woman, have jumped on the
Reparations "band wagon". When I was asked several years ago
if I thought reparations for the enslavement of African
Americans were in order, I stammered and shuffled my feet
and said, "it depends". A safe response for a liberally
minded white woman who had absolutely no idea what I was
really being asked.. Like so many other whites (and people
of color) I thought reparations was only (and all) about
money. I thought reparations meant someone tossing out an
arbitrary number and someone else (the government) writing a
check and that was that.
This is exactly why most white people who hear and/or read
about the Reparations movement get nervous and defensive and
respond with one of several classic objections:
1) "I didn't have slaves, nor did my family benefit from
2) "Slavery hasn't existed for over 140 years, why do we
have to pay for something that happened then."
3) "Blacks have been getting preferential treatment for
years and frankly I'm tired of it."
4) "It is only going to divide us more."
There are of course dozens of other responses but these seem
to be four of the most popular and the most worthy of
addressing in such a brief article.
First of all Reparations is not a recent notion nor is it
something born out of the 60's civil rights movement.
Reparations advocates (both black and white) have been
around for over 100 years. Reparations is a verb and not a
noun. The movement is a process of exploring the damages
inflicted upon the descendants of those who were kidnapped
and held captive in the United States throughout a period of
several hundred years and dialoguing about potential
compensatory remedies. Also included in this exploration are
all the corporations and governmental organizations who
benefited from the slave industry and who are prosperous
today because of their practices.
No one would argue that receiving an inheritance from a
relative might affect what kind of future one might have.
African Americans have inherited the injustices inflicted
upon their ancestors and are living with them today in
various forms. For those who are not educated about our
American history, it is tempting to view the few civil
rights laws and affirmative action programs of the last 30
years as remedies for several hundred years of hatred,
mistreatment and oppression.
As Congressman John Conyers pointed out at the Race
Relations Institute Conference on Reparations in Nashville
in February, those who are promoting reparations on the
governmental level are (at this point) only requesting a
money, and frankly, there is not a dollar figure large
enough that could provide healing and justice for all the
victims of the legacy of slavery. And, it is not even
concluded that money will be the end result of reparations.
So far the government has refused to support a study. This
does not mean studies are not being done, just that the
government refuses to acknowledge them.
It is telling that many Americans don't object to billions
of dollars being spent on strategic air missile defense
systems -- which don't even work or the money spent on the
studies which examine why they don't work. And yet, many
white Americans vehemently object to a study of Reparations
-- something that could specifically identify the injustices
heaped upon our African brothers and sisters which have had
lingering effects. A study of Reparations is a study of our
history and something that could help promote racial healing
and justice for blacks and whites alike.
In regards to one of the primary objections, my family
didn't have to own slaves in order for me to benefit from
slavery. As a white woman I have enjoyed first class
privileges my entire life and I do not come from an upper
middle-class family. In fact I have never forgotten the
shame of seeing my mother pay for groceries with food-stamps
when our family was destroyed. But regardless of my economic
status, I was (and am now) the recipient of numerous
invisible advantages every day. I never knew what those
advantages were or meant until I started working with those
who dealt with discrimination and oppression all of their
lives. As a white person, understanding the insidious nature
of racism was an effort to educate myself because it had no
bearing on my everyday life. I couldn't see it so it didn't
exist for me. I had to open my mind in order to see that
racial discrimination is a stain in the fabric or our
American culture. I'm not just referring to the obvious
kinds of racial injustices but all the subtleties that keep
people of color enslaved -- today.
As far as blacks receiving preferential treatment they most
certainly do. Blacks and other people of color are preferred
targets of the police and other law enforcement officials.
People of color are certainly recipients of preferential
treatment in our criminal justice system as is evidenced by
the fact that they receive longer sentences for the same
crimes committed by whites. It is certainly preferable to
many white owned financial institutions to deny home loans
to people of color in particular neighborhoods where whites
are the majority.
A cursory study of the criminal justice system will support
these allegations in black and white. When we look at the
figures of who is in prison and we realize that there were
few (if any) prisons in America during slavery we must ask
ourselves some honest questions. Why are American prisons
one of the fastest growing businesses in this country? Is it
possible that our prison system has replaced slavery on some
level? Are black men (and women) less threatening when they
are held captive in controlled environments? These are all
very complicated questions that are relevant to the issue of
reparations and in need of consideration.
I'm most fascinated when I hear someone suggest that
reparations will only serve to further divide the races and
therefore should be abandoned. I can think of nothing more
divisive than what has already been done to African
Americans in this country. Are white Americans honestly
convinced that race relations are so good now that we don't
want to jeopardize them?
Learning about and acknowledging anothers oppression does
not take anything away from me. If anything, I have
benefited enormously from re-visiting history and making
connections between the historical truths and contemporary
social ills. I've also learned a great deal from those who
have been brave enough to tell their stories. This is
another reason I believe so strongly in the Reparations
movement. The road to healing race relations is the process
of discovery and listening. When whites and blacks join
together to look truthfully at the past and jointly explore
what the damages were (and are) to those of African descent,
it is clear that money is not the only solution. Healing can
occur in many forms and no one -- so far that I know -- is
suggesting that money is the total solution.
After hearing some preliminary figures of how much the U.S.
government profited from taxing the slave trade (it's not
that far from George W's proposed tax cut ironically) I
personally believe that a check of some kind must be
written. But again, it is only part of the solution.
We whites need healing too. Otherwise we wouldn't get so
angry when we hear the words reparations or compensatory
remedies. It's not the words that cause such a violent
reaction in some, it is something much deeper that we must
address. Our own fear, hatred and anger has done a number on
us whites.. It has made us arrogant. And our arrogance is
just a by-product of our ignorance -- which fortunately can
be remedied if we can stop blaming the victims long enough
to seek the truth.
It is often our arrogance that prompts us to dismiss (out of
hand) the idea of reparations. We have been in the driver's
seat for so long that we can't abide the notion that someone
else might have another route worth exploring.. I say let's
scoot over to the passengers seat and ride the Reparations
band-wagon. No one knows where we will end up but we will at
least end up there together -- which is better than where we
are right now.
Ms. Secours is counselor, writer and racial dialog
facilitator and lives with her musician husband in
Nashville, TN.
Copyright (c) 2001 Molly Secours. All Rights Reserved.