Reference Material

Edited by M.D.C.Bowen
last updated September, 2001

Harper's Forum
Harper's Magazine, November 2000

JACK HITT is a contributing editor of Harper's Magazine.

WILLIE E. GARY won a $500 million judgment against The Loewen Group Inc., the world's largest funeral-home and cemetery operators, in 1995 and $240 million against The Walt Disney Company last August. He is an attorney with Gary, Williams, Parenti, Finney, Lewis, McManus, Watson & Sperando, in Stuart, Florida.

ALEXANDER J. PIRES JR. won a $1 billion settlement for black farmers in their discrimination case against the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is currently working on a multibillion-dollar class-action suit on behalf of Native Americans. He is an attorney with Conlon, Frantz, Phelan & Pires, L.L.P., in Washington, D.C.

RICHARD F. SCRUGGS won the historic $368.5 billion settlement for the states in their suit against tobacco companies in 1997 and is currently building a class-action suit against HMOs. He is an attorney with Scruggs, Millette, Bozeman & Dent, P.A., in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

DENNIS C. SWEET III won a $400 million settlement in last year's "fen-phen" diet-drug case against American Home Products Corporation and $145 million against the Ford Motor Company. He is an attorney with Langston Sweet & Freese, in Jackson, Mississippi.

John Conyers Other Congressional Bills Other Items
Text of HR 40

BlackVoices Abstract

House Congressional Resolution 103

House Con. Resolution 356

Senate Con. Resolution 130

BlackVoices Mock Trial

SB 2199

Prometheus 6

Randall Robinson Bernie Grant Bibliography
TransAfrica Forum Transcript Africa Reparations Movement
Originated by Bernie Grant

Slavery Details & Highlights

Gildder-Lerman Center at Yale

Constitutional Review
The Constitution and Status Hierarchies
Jack Balkin, Yale U.

The Last Plantation


A Bibliography