Race,"Wealth" ,SAT Scores and Performance

Berman James Watts, August 1997

Some would assert that the alleged lower SAT scores of "wealthy" blacks versus poorer whites is proof of black inferiority or lack of effort. Such claim of black inadequacy can only be true in the absence of racial discrimination. Thus it would seem that "wealth" is assumed to eliminate discrimination.

But black families earning in the neighborhood of $70,000 are compared to whites earning $20,000. While "wealth" in a comparative sense is implied, wealth in sufficiency to neutralize racial discrimination is not implied by a mere $70k of family income. Study and talent are not necessarily components of what the relatively rare thus better paid black is hired for.

Where legal discrimination has allegedly been outlawed, covert means will be substituted. Certain minorities are useful in maximizing continuing discrimination - as a token , a witness for the defense in discrimination complaints and, a tool to be used against other blacks. Competence, resulting from experience, education, hard work or knowledge is scarcely a controlling part of the values of a family headed by such Quislings. The highest qualification becomes one's willingness to betray one's kin and fellows to the interest of a common oppressor. Of course all blacks earning in excess of 70k are not necessarily those who make themselves most useful to the preservation of white supremacy. But the employment that finds blacks at such pay levels are quite different from those for whites or even other minorities. For example in certain lucrative fields asians outnumber blacks two to one despite the fact blacks are a larger proportion of the total population.* Where discrimination is traditional against a particular group, the use of a substitute minority would seem a clear indicator of an effort to continue discrimination against the preferred target group.

Discrimination is clear if blacks of superior qualification (In this case SAT scores) still fare worse than whites. A certain East Indian apologist for racial discrimination by whites has noted that blacks meeting or exceeding qualifications still fare worse than whites in the same curriculum. Could it be that discrimination is so pervasive that it finds an outlet even at such higher academic levels and social environment?

By analogy consider an "Object" as in a programming language. Any function or procedure can be preserved and linked to other objects to form a program for a particular purpose. But what if you had to compete without access to a library of such objects? Each professor's assignments, tests and peculiarities may be preserved by fraternities, student associations and other groups for use in study by those who follow. Thus a collection of standard problem solution methods that are time consuming to work out from scratch are made available to some. Such groups remain largely segregated by race. Indeed , whites and other close knit racial groups with foreign bases of professional support can thus train an individual of lesser intelligence *and resultant ability* to a higher ,albeit temporary, apparent level of skill by rote memorization of such esoteric ,albeit narrow, specialized knowledge. Similar activities extend to the work place.*2

An additional point is that minority attrition rates fall in direct proportion to the number of a particular minority in such academic area (or career field for that matter) once sufficient time for collection of such useful data by a sufficient number of "pioneers" has elapsed.


* EEO Employment Census

*2 Consider a program for predicting the path of a ground hugging aircraft that had such aircraft "flying" underground. The programmer had the aircraft move at the maximum rate (descent, turn, climb etc.) for a regular period. After that a determination of position was made and the next full acceleration for a similar period calculated. While the program *worked*, reality and the overall purpose of the program was ignored. By such "over-training" a limited mind was so "crowded out" as to ignore factors crucial to the survival of the pilots in the aircraft whose flight was thus predicted. Such occurences are scarely rare.