A More Popular Affirmative Action

Berman James Watts, January 1998

"If the letter of the law is it's body the sense and reason of the law is it's spirit", wrote Mr.Justice Harlan before the turn of the century. But where men place ambition above justice the letter of the law becomes a shambling corpse of political expediency animated by the demons of partisanship and greed. If the results of Dred Scott, Plessy and similar decisions were rivers of spilled blood. What will be the ultimate result of the decisions of current tribunals embodying such spirit in an era of increasingly destructive technology?

Differential enforcement and result reflect the admitted bias of "justice". The ratio of blacks to whites entering state and federal prisons in 1991 was an astounding 20:1. While some blacks do win civil cases and some blacks are found innocent of criminal charges a bias of result that escapes detection in any particular case is quite evident. In Georgia those convicted of killing a white are nine times as likely to face the death penalty as the killer of a black. A white ex-con who cut the throat of a minority PHD as she walked from a convenience store to her Fayetville Apartment recently escaped the death penalty. Similarly in Fulton county the admitted gang "leader" torture killer of two teenage girls escaped such penalty. Does anyone doubt that the death penalty will be avidly sought in the trial of a black accused for the torture murder of a white prostitute at a cemetery in SE Atlanta? Thus the justice system not only disparately convicts and finds against but actually devalues black life relative to white. But such system is claimed a "safeguard" negating the need for affirmative in remedy of discrimination.

Where such is the case who is involved determines fact rather than evidence. A skewed distribution of advantage and detriment shows the true motivation and intent of those charged with allegedly enforcing and interpreting law impartially. Reason requires the discipline of objectivity whereas rationalization warps analysis and perception to support self serving prejudices. Since the first importation of blacks as exploitable labor a sustained series of actions compromising principles and laws evolved to assure equality and justice have ensued. Even after Civil War, Constitutional amendment and repeated new laws, racial discrimination has been inflicted with a strategy of deceit. The results belie the pious claims of "equal opportunity" made by white authority. Present excuse echoes that claimed under the "separate but equal" doctrine and, the original justification for inflicting slavery on the basis of race. Tacit legal sanction is again extended to racial discrimination and the deceit justified terrorism that has always been it's ultimate enforcement.

Prior administrations sought by appointment, statement and veto to make it clear that it's concept of "Civil Rights" was not that expanded by the Civil War. More than a century of continuing struggle has not yet stopped the flow of blood "drawn by the lash". Only the tactics have changed. The strategy of deceit backed by force continues whether it is; blacks are incapable of freedom or; black men maddened by parity will rape white women or; blacks are incapable of certain professions or levels of performance. Slander has been used to justify violence, inequitable treatment and a vast inequity of result that is now accelerating in light of new official and tacit sanction by racist demagogues under various guises.

New myth is embraced. Efforts to require progress by objective and visible result somehow disadvantages whites who almost exclusively staff all positions of power despite lesser qualification or even literacy. Black under-representation is overwhelmingly evident yet so called" affirmative action" and quotas are claimed to have deprived most whites so disproportionately as to become a pivotal issue.

But a minority that is but twelve percent of the population and whose unemployment rate ranges from double to four times that of the majority cannot be claimed as cause for the popularity of the anti "affirmative action" and "quota" issues among whites. Even if every black was employed at the expense of a majority member the white unemployment rate would rise one percent as the black unemployment rate fell to zero. For virtually every white to relate a personal experience of being denied in favor of a black would require that each such black hold and/or obtain eight jobs simultaneously. In reality , grossly disparate and fatal results upon blacks are quite apparent though of far less interest to the majority than the "quota" and anti-affirmative action issue fantasies.

It would be far simpler and effective to root out every illiterate, incompetent, thief and murderer whose "work" resulted in destructive economic effect. But there is less prejudice against such whites than there is against blacks who must run a gauntlet of white slander and abuse for the crime of being over qualified. Such a living disproof of the rationalizing deceit of white supremacy and black inferiority is intolerable. Indeed blacks popularly hailed by whites for "ability", outside the highly visible arenas (Sports, the arts, etc.) where actual performance is apparent to all, are those who support efforts that support white supremacy. Thus can whites be best advantaged, even where unqualified and unethical, before the maximum number of better qualified minority members of higher character.

The quota issue is merely the latest in a succession of popular myths used by racial demagogues. Of such myths, none is more powerful than that those traditionally held down can rise above even the lowest members of the majority only by unfair means of conspiracy or special treatment, when in fact the cooperative sabotage by majority members of such minority is fundamental to majority unity. Generations of majority losers would have no prop for their otherwise bottom-most social standing in the form of an automatic and mutually enforced last class. The threat of the loss of that prop is far more universal than the claimed effect of so called "quotas" on any appreciable number of whites. Thus, a traditionally slandered minority is used to mollify the comparatively powerless majority masses by majority demagogues. Rationalizing continuation of bigotry under new guise becomes an enduring industry that consumes vast social energy and growth potential. The more rewarding the opportunity or, the more demonstrably superior the minority member the greater is the deceit and effort ultimately justifying suppression and violence to transfer such opportunity to those that are less able but that are of the majority race. Such creativity knows few bounds as Treblinka and Auschwitz testify.

Of course today, nothing so obvious need be resorted to. With recombinant DNA just how long have diseases tailored for specific racial groups been in vogue? Modification of existing suitable organisms would have been simple 1. The minority infection rate for AIDS now a multiple of that for the majority. 2 Indeed blacks as of last year make up the majority of Aids cases despite being a 12% minority in this Nation. Is it not an amazing coincidence that certain genetic defects make a portion of the white population immune to AIDS? Certain white racists claim that such fact is proof of a divine intent to eliminate the "Mud' races or all non-whites. Are such whites above spreading such disease by artificial means?3 Would such whites invoke the divine intervention argument for Hitler's initial successes and partially completed exterminations of millions? The effect of such excess was to galvanize all earth against the common threat of "Aryan" racism.

Recall that such disease was initially spread by an expendable majority subgroup that the NAZI's (those ultimate radical reactionaries masquerading as conservatives as far as "race" is concerned) also targeted for extermination. Observe also that rates in Asia are growing more swiftly than European or White American rates. Combined with other destructive deceit against other races in the social and economic arenas (for example- "quota issue ", disparate imprisonment /"law enforcement", anti- AA, selective assault on black leadership, pretense that discrimination is no longer a problem, ineffective anti-discrimination law and remedy) such cloak of deceit covers race based scapegoating for political profit. Evolving technology combines with such actions and history to suggests that genocide against all perceived vulnerable by a thus "en-nobled" "Aryan" or "white" race is hardly out of the question.

Such affirmative action of death , is by result and participation far more popular than that designed to eliminate traditional ,albeit covert, discrimination against minorities.


1.A US Army Biowarfare manual lists the first such effort in North America as "giving the blankets of small pox victims to Indians". The dense population of Indians in New England were victims of a plague of smallpox that 'cleared" the way for white settlers(1600's). Multiple Indian tribes were exterminated in the Americas by various means, the latest (US) being in California (Isshi's Tribe).

2.Recent CDC figures are as follows:


AIDS Rate per 100,000
Black Men


White Men


Black Women


White Women


3. All that is required should be obvious. More subtle methods could include steering infected prostitutes or the promiscuous to certain areas and selected individuals based on race.


Death rate per 100,000 (US) due to Homicide & Legal Intervention


White Male

Black Male

All Other Males






7.8 - 10.9

50.2 - 71.9

45.0 - 61.3
