Bodyguard of Lies
Berman James Watts, February 1998
The Nuremberg laws openly made bigotry the law of a land that was one of the most technically advanced of Europe. But even open bigotry coded in law was insufficient for what such racist demagogues truly desired. Hence, the coming holocaust was cloaked by deceit. Three decades later and an ocean and half a continent west four young girls died in a church bombing at sunday school. An "equal protection of law" has yet failed to bring the killers to justice. What other form of "slow holocaust" does such deceit conceal?
Consider the fact that credible defense has been offered of Reagan - Bush administration involvement in the creation and nurturing of the crack cocaine epidemic in America. Indeed , given subsequent events, one could conclude that financing the Contras was secondary to certain racially selective domestic results.
Recall that such administration(s) more than doubled those imprisoned with a disproportionate number being black. Recall that violent crime is being sold as the cause for such increase to those least affected by such crime whereas blacks and especially young black males are as much as fifty times more likely to be the victim(s) of such crime.
Recall that differential sentencing of federal origin for cocaine resulted in 100 times as much needing to be possessed of the form favored by whites to merit the same sentence for that of the crack cocaine popular among blacks. Recall that a quarter (In some cities 1 in three) of all black youth is either in jail, on parole or otherwise under supervision of the justice system. Recall that although more whites use drugs more blacks are arrested on drug charges. In 1991 the ratio of black males (ages 25-29) to white males entering state and federal prison was an astounding 20:1.
Consider that Reagan began his campaign for President in Philadelphia, MS with a call for "States Rights". Perhaps the State Right he was referring to was the right to not indict known murderers of civil rights workers such as the three killed with the aid of local law enforcement at Philadelphia, MS.
Recall that it was such administrations Attorney General Ed Meese - who said of minorities: "They should be made to jump through every hoop". Recall also the sterling qualifications of Meese, Watt,North and a host of others.
Recall , that it was such administration's EEOC head appointee, Clarence Thomas who allowed thousands of discrimination complaints to expire in such a manner as to deny judicial recourse to those affected.
Consider the effect of the crack epidemic on the black community in encouraging armed robbery,theft by addicts and turf wars by gangs. Combine it with the effect of suppressive rather than effective community law enforcement upon blacks. Consider the effect of discriminatory sentencing - the killer of a white being nine times as likely to be executed as the killer of a black. Crimes against whites are more enthusiastically pursued than those against blacks resulting in an easily perceived signal to all criminals - black or white- who they should go after to minimize risk. Consider the ethics of prison culture diffusing through the black community because of the coming of age of so many of it's youth in prisons.
It could be suggested, that no better scheme for maximizing the destructive effect upon a minority community, while piously proclaiming a "goal" of equality, has ever been devised. But the criminal component of the effort must be abetted by an economic component.
It could be suggested that if the Libyan government supports terrorists, a billion dollars out of the hands of Libyans is a billion dollars less for terrorists to use. Moreover, Americans have never been loath to profit from ventures whose morality others might question. Recall the resurrection of slavery in the Colonies after it had long been effectively dead in the English Homeland. Recall how land was repeatedly stolen form Native Americans despite treaties. Today, observe the effort to preserve the profits from Tobacco, and the readiness to use force, primarily directed against innocent civilians, to preserve American economic interests. It would seem the primary objection to a billion dollars flowing into black America is that it would benefit black Americans.
Segregation as administered by whites served to minimize black educational and economic attainment and thus justify limitation of career opportunity and overall black economic activity. Thus any effort aimed at reducing the most effective means of neutralizing such efforts must bear close scrutiny. Attacks on busing (for racial integration only) or more subtle means of discriminatorily attacking educational effectiveness such as; discriminatory tracking and; defacto segregation that was contrived only after integration was ordered, are clearly designed to maximize white supremacy behind a facade of alledged equal opportunity.
Similarly, the popularity of the anti-affirmative action movement will not bear close scrutiny save as a means of preserving white supremacy. The argument offered is of advantage accruing on the basis of race for "past" discrimination being unfair to the white displaced. Yet discrimination continues, albeit crudely cloaked. The relative proportions of whites negatively affected compared to blacks must be miniscule as is the effect on the white community (which dominates the nation economically and disproportionately due to both past and continuing discrimination) overall. The allegations of whites in regard to displacement by such efforts is a transparent deceit. Virtually every white has a tale of displacement due to discrimination in favor of a minority, yet if this were true every minority member would have to either hold or be accepted for eight desirable education slots or jobs simultaneously - blacks being twelve percent of the population. Given the overepresentation of blacks in prison and the underreprenstation of blacks in higher education such ratio/difference is more extreme. Yet the immediate assumption of whites upon seeing a black at a hitherto forbidden income or status is to assume his presence is not due to ability and qualification but to quotas or affirmative action. Such an assumption can only be true if blacks, regardless of overqualification, are excluded on account of race and different treatment once in place. Such attitude is however quite profitable to underqualified whites widely placed in such positions for reasons other than the qualifications and atypical conditions used as a subjectively applied filter to minimize certain minorities.
If white popular support for law enforcement can be rationalized for an attack on a prone, unarmed black by a circle of club weilding police,then it is clear that virtually anything can be done to any "suspect" black with the full support of an alledgedly fearful white public. Moreover, any black can be named "suspect"- especially those challenging the enforcement of discrimination by more "subtle" methods. Any white so inclined may freely attack a black on the streets or in the work place, confident that even if he fails to intimidate such black, or if such black walks away or defeats such unprovoked attack, white society is so deceitfully prejudiced that it is the black who can be later accused with the support of white "witnessess" and society even as such white attacker is hailed as a hero. Thus attacking a black and summoning the authorties if such attack is defeated is a common method of dealing with blacks where lesser intimidation fails. Black knowledge and community experience of real such abuse by authorities and courts is far more pervasive than the transparent deceit of white claims of the widespread negative affects of affirmative action, yet such white fantasy has become the basis of a pivotal political issue even as a quarter to a half of young black males are jailed or otherwise under supervision of the "justice"system. Such sudden blossoming of alleged black criminality follows a civil rights movement that dismantled overt white enforced segregation. During such period law enforcement with the approval of white society jailed those protesting the denial of equality of citizenship under the Constitution. Then as now law enforcement participated in the summary executions of blacks in support of white supremacy - albeit todays methods are more subtle. King and Evers were hardly the only ones killed during such period-the known killers of more than thirty civil rights workers remain unindicted to this day.
Thus the racial group most privileged in America for the Nation's entire history asserts that it is under an economic opportunity loss and criminal siege justifying ever more destructive treatment of a traditionally suppressed minority. That such minority is actually more vulnerable to and affected by crime is ignored. That such minority is subject to unequal and destructive treatment under law is either ignored or denied. That law is used more to assure white supremacy than to control crime is denied. That such strategy and it's application are an ingrained tradition is ignored and denied. That a differential standard of deceit enforces such bigotry is admitted with vast reluctance and much minimization and excuse making only where tape recorder or video recorder is unexpectedly present.
As late as WWII Myrdal reported that:" it is the custom in the South to permit whites to resort to violence and threats of violence against the life, personal security , property, and freedom of movement of Negroes. Any white man, can strike or beat a Negro, steal or destroy his property, cheat him, and in some communities even take his life without fear of reprisal: how a white man handles "his niggers" is his business, and anyway the Negro must have deserved whatever punishment was meted out." To the degree , that video cameras, sufficient impartial witnesses and, black craftiness, determination and solidarity are unavailable it is clear that such situation is that sought by an increasing number of whites today. Bigotry cloaked by deceit, the law and white usage of disparate treatment continue to function as weapons of choice for today's racial guerilla warfare.