The N-Word Index

an informal way of surveying hate speech on the net.

Here's the idea. Track on a weekly basis the use of the N-Word and its variants on the net, as a over-simplified manner of measuring racism in America.

More about the N-Word

Date Word Hotbot WebCount Hotbot Usenet Count Altavista Web Count Altavista Usenet Count
3/17/98 nigger 14448 4984 11543 6860
  niggers 7110 3420 5703 6620
  nigga 11967 793 8262 1145
  niggaz 6499 340 3930 426
  news 10,115,178 760301    
  boat 554148 34671    
  everyone 2178591 300148    
  people 7037984 1025895    
9/15/98 nigger 8503 3825 15053 3760
  niggers 4018 2877 6887 41730
  nigga 4996 1090 23327 1242
  niggaz 2465 378 5233 436
  news 5731090 1041686 58,298,690 12986269
  boat 357276 38881 2,267,320 18650
  everyone 1383052 369557 3,667,610 37020
  people 5643251 1213190 26,264,750 5106569


Usage Interpretations

The usage connotes speaking about a single third party, or it could be a direct name-calling.
This usage connotes generalizations made about groups of individuals and is likely to indicate a racist prejudice.