niggers and culture

From: df (fkljfdihfds) Newsgroups: soc.culture.african.american Subject: BLACK CULTURE....yeah right!!!!!! Date: 7 Apr 1995 22:50:21 GMT Organization: fsdsfd Lines: 6 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host:
Is there such a thing as black culture? From what I can see, black culture is just a big black guy with big basketball shoes on, a cap with an X on it, with his mouth full of gold teeth, and an ugly skinny black girl with a mouth the size of the grand canyon, hanging off his arm. OOPS, i almost forgot the gun in his hand. AMERICANS ARE A WASTE OF TIME AND A WASTE OF PRECIOUS OXYGEN!!!! Thanks.
[ Article crossposted from soc.culture.korean ]
[ Author was Gideon Chang - AIMD/F94 ]
[ Posted on 4 Apr 1995 21:07:22 GMT ]

I'm writing up here from Canada,but the tensions betweens blacks and Koreans in the U.S. have affected me. Now let us consider the point of view of the blacks. They say that Koreans are taking away their businesses and that we are a rude race. Have you ever heard such bullshit in you life?

First of all, if the blacks want to make money, let them set up their own businesses instead of protesting against our success. Secondly, I have never met a more ruder race than the blacks. Their slang and attitude is sickening.

It is true that blacks have had a rough history. However, when the orientals first settled into North America we were discriminated against and had rough lives as well. HOWEVER, through hard work, an unwavering desire to succeed coupled with a unmatched work ethic lead us to prosper in academia and finances. We couldn't even fight back because of the language barriers, but we just kept our mouth shut and kicked some ass in the true Korean/Oriental way.

Maybe things would be different for the blacks if they stopped complaining all time and started doing what the Koreans did. This is a free society, we can do whatever we want within the scope of the law.