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Newsgroups: alt.skinheads
From: an151169@anon.penet.fi
X-Anonymously-To: alt.skinheads
Organization: Anonymous contact service
Reply-To: an151169@anon.penet.fi
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 03:31:41 UTC
Subject: KKK.FAQ
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Things the liberal media told you that just aren't true.
1. The Klan hates black people.
This is a lie and the liberal media knows it. We believe everyone has
a right to be proud of their race, which means White people have a right
to be proud also. Therefore we believe that anti-White policies should
be discarded and that people should be hired, promoted, and given
scholarships according to their ability and not because we feel sorry for
them or because they have the "politically correct" color of skin.
2. The Klan is against Catholics.
That is another liberal media lie. We believe that all Christians,
regardless of their religious preference need to work in harmony for the
future of our children and Western Christian Civilization.
3. If you join the Klan you will have to break the law and commit crimes
against black people.
The liberal media says this even though it is not true because they want you
to be afraid of joining the Klan and going to jail. They know that if White
people ever join together we will be able to stop the destruction of our race
and nation. This lie is told to keep the good, decent, and honorable
Christian people from ever joining our movement. Klan members take a pledge
not to commit crimes.
What the Klan really is.
1. The Klan is a gathering of White Christian men and women who are joined
together because of the common bond they share by blood and faith. Each
person is an individual and we do not attempt to do your thinking for you.
2. The Klan is the oldest, largest, and most professional Whites Rights
group in the world. Our membership draws from all walks of life. We are
committed to upholding and defending Western Christian civilization.
The Klan Political Agenda.
1. America First!
The very first responsibility of our government is to protect the welfare
(jobs, health, future) of AMERICANS - not those in Mexico, Vietnam,
Somalia, Haiti, or some other third world country. It is time to take
America back.
2. Dug testing for Welfare Recipients.
Not everyone who is on welfare is taking drugs. We are aware of that,
but there are many, especially in housing projects in large urban areas,
who are taking drugs. If they have enough money for drugs, they don't
need your money. If a welfare recipient is a drug user, their welfare
check, food stamps, public housing, and etc. should be cut.
3. Protect America's Birthright.
If the Klan were in political power laws would be enacted that would
prevent American industry and property from being sold to foreigners.
America should be owned by Americans - not Japanese, Arabs or Jews.
4. Do away with Affirmative Action Programs.
People in America should be hired, promoted or given scholarships based
on Ability, not because they have the right color of skin or because we
feel sorry for them or because we are trying to appease some kind of
self-inflicted guilt.
5. Protect American Jobs.
Americans are loosing jobs to foreign nations because our industry is
moving to Mexico to obtain cheap labor which is often only 60 or 70 cents
an hour. American industry is also enticed to move to Mexico in order to
save millions because of non-existing environmental laws. The criminals
in Washington have passed NAFTA and are now selling us out with GATT.
6. Close our Border.
The flood of illegal aliens coming across our borders needs to be
stopped. If we can put 43,000 soldiers in South Korea to protect their
borders, 500,000 soldiers in Saudi Arabia to protect their borders. Why
can not we put troops on our borders to protect our country from the
invasion of illegal aliens? We must protect the future of our children,
not the future of the children of Mexico.
7. Outlaw homo-sexuality and inter-racial marriages.
Until 20 or so years ago, nearly all states had 'sodomy' and miscegenation
laws and statutes that were strictly enforced. Since that time they have
been repealed or are ignored, the results are obvious with the plaague of
AIDS now ravaging our land. Both of these abominations against God and
nature must be stopped if America is ever to return to the great Christian
nation it once was.
Where to look for more information.
1. You may write to the following address:
National Office
P.O. Box 320
Waters, MI 49797
2. You may call the following number:
(317) 522-1215 (Realm of Indiana)
(618) 251-4691 (Realm of Illinois)
(517) 731-1867 (Realm of Michigan)
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