Some Thoughts on the New Abolition

May, 1999

Having read the comments of the New Abolitionists and their critique of anti-racists, I am compelled to respond. The first thing that I want to say is that I am impressed with thier commitment, but ;. As all of us attempt from our separate corners to engage the nation in various consciousness raising efforts, it is natural for dissoance to creep. But thankfully between this anti-racist and the abolitionists, i predict no discord.

If those folks I have called whitefolks, choose not to be anti-racist, but anti-whiteist, then it occurs to me that they may be taking the same attitude as Harriet Beecher Stowe. It is not so important that those who are not white be saved, but that the focus be on the poor soul who thinks he is white. It is because of this delusion that all of the ills of the world procede from the crime of Whitism, that a particular conceit is made over the salvation of the White soul. I daresay there is little different in that idea.