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October 26, 2006

Miscellaneous Rantings

i had another mbn (mr. b notion) right after leaving sav-on this morning:

we should collaborate and (hold you hat) MAKE A MOVIE. and i be serious.
king deet has the technical know how and the rest of us (presumably) know
somethin' about somethin' that would make for interesting content. from
an exploration of certain aspects of urban life to (yep) an animated
children's story. after cracking your side over the idea, think about

unrelated: SEITZ, a eurposean camera maker has come out with a digital
that is rated at 160 megapixels. cost: $36,000 plus. see google and then
type seitz digital camera


Posted by mbowen at 02:24 PM | Comments (0)

October 25, 2006

Hooked on Obamics

good wednesday morning,

by the time you re-read this email, i will have sent a symbolic dollar to
the "obama as president" fund. note the wordplay. in fact, i have
already made a secret $$ commitment to his (sure to happen) campaign, but
will hold off until he makes the formal announcement. what i have not
yet decided (and decide i most certainly will) is who will (as opposed to
"should") be his vice president. i'm leaning toward (hold y'alls hat)
antonio "he be the l.a. man!" villialagrosa! FIRST, think about it...then
smile: 2 brash, youthful, ass-kickin' fearless, multimedia savvy, up and
coming dudes! so as not to put down all relics, since hillary knows the
political ropes, she could be their campaign manager!!

anyway, i jest...i part. i am DEAD SERIOUS (whatever that means),
however, about obama.

for a brief morning moment, let's look at the experience thang. i have
changed my ever-changing mind about the latter's importance. it is really
over-used and, quite frankly, deceptive. case in point: george w. bush
has a (excuse the candid observation) shit load of presidential
experience. so, when he leaves washington and applies for a job as a
porter on the new haven railroad, it'll look good on his resume. and he
has been to new haven as a "student" so the geographic adjustment will be
minimal. (even though he has probably never been to any of the esteemed
housing projects.) BUT, that experience notwithstanding, george w. bush
has been an indisputably terrible....make that horrible president.

dig this: there is a distinct difference between EXPERIENCE and EXPERTISE.
he has experience being president and no expertise in being a force for
international PEACE. and that's a fact. he knows much about EMPIRE and
nothing about EMPATHY! on-the-job training, in other words, is not and
should not be automatically linked to stellar performance. reflect, if
you will, on this: the american workplace is filled with slackers, goof
offs and inappropriate personnel. the only reason they are still
comfortably waiting for retirement is because an overly cautious
management won't FIRE their lazy, incompetent booties! and THAT'S A FACT!

so, let us not fall for this already emerging "experience dodge" as to why
obama should not be given serious consideration AND the support he'll need.

onward...upward....and AWAY from the mess this country is now in.

(finally, i'll defer to my consummate role models: if chico were alive
today, he'd vote for obama; and if miss madam were alive.............she'd
vote for chico!!)

peace and love and....off to the mailbox......

Posted by mbowen at 02:23 PM | Comments (0)