what's this all about?

cobb is michael bowen
the purpose of 'cobb, the blog' is to attempt to represent what i consider
to be the 'old school' of african american politics and culture to a broad
and critical audience. it will be personal and political, biased and informative,
hopefully insightful and often humorous.
i have been writing online for almost a decade now, and i have been trying
to be consistently philosophical, provocative, perceptive and articulate.
i spent a lot of time and established various reputations as a host at
cafe utne, at the sfgate, at the slate fray, on the well, in salon's table
talk and other places. more recently however, i have retreated to a more
private forum. some folks whose opinion i respect told me that i should
share my unique flavor with a broader audience. blogging seems to be the
way to go.
[it's not] about me:
i consider myself somewhat atypical only in that i am compelled to write
and connect with people and ideas. other than that, i am the fairly typical
college-educated professional black man married with three children head
of household. in college, i both worked for the rainbow coalition and
was an avid fan of thomas sowell. i was a fairly competent breakdancer
and computer science student, and of course i loved both wynton marsalis
and grandmaster flash. i think i represent the progressive edge of the
i have two middle names. when i was a kid, i was small. people used to
say that my name was bigger than i was, and that i would have to grow
into it. cobb is, in my estimation, the most conservative part of my name.
let's see how i wear it.
december 2002
My blogger code:
B5 d++ t+ k+ s++ u- f++ i o+ x-- e l c- (decode