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December 08, 2005

Sounds Like Integrity To Me

Laura Chick puts to rest any speculation that she might be bucking for higher office:

As I pondered whether or not to run, my thoughts always came back to the job I have now...the job I love and the job I'm not yet finished doing. For that reason, I am announcing that I will not be a candidate for State Controller.

I have three and a half years left on my final term as Los Angeles City Controller, and I still have a lot I want to do. First, I am focused on improving the delivery of essential services to each and every person in Los Angeles. Further, I am intent on finding efficiencies not only to save taxpayer dollars but also to find better and more effective ways to make Los Angeles the truly great city it could and should be.

Posted by mbowen at December 8, 2005 04:34 PM

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