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December 04, 2005

Cobblers Hiphop In Da House!

For the next generation of Cobb we're expanding into multiple dimensions. The first, as promised is the creation of a hiphop group for the folks at Last.fm. They already have several, but I suspect that they are all made up of kids that listen to nothing but hiphop and hate everybody who doesn't like their favorite artists. I'm being presumptuous of course, no disrespect to those to whom it doesn't apply. But for the moment, it's all about us. So when you look at the description of the Cobblers - Hiphop group, you'll see that it's a group for people with tastes beyond hiphop. Join up and we'll take it to the next level.

While we're at it, here's a string of hiphop that I'm interested in these days which is out of the mainstream:
{Tackhead, Laswell, Paul Schwartz, Singers & Players, Freestyle Fellowship, some ROIR stuff}. I haven't had much time for new discoveries but I expect to next week or the week after if I get some time to actually start coding and put my head down.

Posted by mbowen at December 4, 2005 10:19 PM

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I hope you don't mind I joined up.

Posted by: matt at December 5, 2005 09:28 AM

Of course not. I want you to join! Welcome!

Posted by: Cobb [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 5, 2005 09:56 AM