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November 03, 2005


I haven't been talking much about my job here. I almost never do, mostly because nobody really much understands nor cares about the bowels of IT. Yet I still hold out hope that Michael Crighton will executive produce a dramatic series about an IT consulting firm. I'm sick of doctors, lawyers and cops. Aren't you?

Well fortunately since I'm somewhat near the top of the game, my customers have recognizable names. Right now I'm at Nissan in Gardena. Since I've noticed that the story has made the news, I can confirm that I'm going to have to do spend some time in Smyrna, TN where Nissan's current US Manufacturing HQ is. That means that a whole lot of finance and accounting types who could get jobs elsewhere are in something of a panic, and resumes have hit the street.

I haven't made the trip to Smyrna yet, but I hear it's a fairly awesome factory. All of the Nissan & Infiniti cars sold in the US and Canada are built there. Some are shipped to the Middle East and South America too. Those bound for the ME are outfitted slightly differently for heat and dust.

Chances are that the IBM relationship is going to change too. There are a good number of IT contractors here in the outbuildings. My team has just squatted in 8 desks and we've got plenty of work to do, but chances are that we'll be doing more flying than we intended as f2f meetings become impossible here in Gardena.

Stay Tuned.

Posted by mbowen at November 3, 2005 08:24 AM

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How about an IT consulting firm in space? The Enterprise had serious issues regarding firewalls, redundancy, and so forth. If only Gene Roddenberry were still around.

Smyrna is close to Nashville, isn't it? There should be some nice scenery.

Posted by: Laura at November 3, 2005 07:08 PM

Wow that sounds cool! I'm getting less enthused about my current Network Admin job day by day. I had an offer to work as a serviceman for another company that I'm thinking about persuing. It's more money and room for advancement, but I'm going to have to add to my skillset if I want to survive. Admining a medium sized plumbing company has made me lazier since my last position in the network service field.

Posted by: matt at November 4, 2005 08:21 AM