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October 14, 2005

A New Orleans Footnote

The ever wonderful Negrophile reminds us about the old paper bag tests and the complexity of African American cultures.

According to the AP article which has made it's way to MSNBC too, Nagin isn't actually part of the Creole culture. I say he could pass for it if he wanted to at a certain level.

This is the kind of revelation that generally goes under the heading of 'dirty laundry', which means that it is a well-reasoned critique of some blackfolks and some of their traditions. For a number of reasons, none of them particularly good, blackfolks seem to be particularly brittle to such criticisms these days. Surely it's Bennett and Katrina according to traffic I'm seeing on the Kwaku Network. (This morning it was something purportedly from Maya Angelou)

There is some concern that jazz is endangered because of the destruction, but we out here in the Creole diaspora know better.

Posted by mbowen at October 14, 2005 08:00 AM

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