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September 14, 2005
No Class
So apparently Kanye West has been taken seriously. While I'm out here in Arizona, I have yet to find adequate time to peruse the news. Instead, I'm getting bits here and there. What I'm sampling is unsavory.
Here's the thing. It's hard to estimate the gullibility of people who on the one hand say that the media is completely warped and then on the other hand give a bunch of credibility to what passes for commentary in the same media.
When is the last time this happened? OJ Simpson. You got everybody trying to bring it down to a simple case of race without looking at any other factor. I don't know who is saying what in this matter but anybody who is not taking a bunch of things into consideration is wrong. So I have a couple of reactions:
1. Nobody is accustomed to looking at poor black people on TV for days at a time. That in and of itself is just plain remarkable. The fact that it happens so rarely is testimony to the state of the big networks and their decisions. We know this, and we always say so. We said so when whatever her name is wound up missing in the Caribbean. If she was a poor black woman, it wouldn't have made CNN.
2. Poor black people are a reliable scapegoat for dysfunction. BUT. The 'but' is that non-moronic people know that there are more whitefolks on welfare and there are a huge class of whitefolks who are slipping. Just this month there were new economic studies up saying that white poverty is increasing while black poverty was staying the same. Non-moronic people know that the crack epidemic is over and that we are in the middle of a meth epidemic. BUT. We're still overburdened with the same old ideas about the 'inner city'. SO, the guys at Vision Circle have hit upon an interesting conclusion which is that white supremacists are going to gain strength because of the focus on poor blacks at the expense of poor whites.
3. There are no heroes in Congress.
This is so patently obvious that it's almost a shame. Everything is focused on the President and there have emerged no heroes in Congress who have even said something we could all rally around.
Posted by mbowen at September 14, 2005 11:39 AM
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Poor black people are a reliable scapegoat for dysfunction. BUT. The 'but' is that non-moronic people know that there are more whitefolks on welfare and there are a huge class of whitefolks who are slipping. Just this month there were new economic studies up saying that white poverty is increasing while black poverty was staying the same. Non-moronic people know that the crack epidemic is over and that we are in the middle of a meth epidemic. BUT. We're still overburdened with the same old ideas about the 'inner city'. SO, the guys at Vision Circle have hit upon an interesting conclusion which is that white supremacists are going to gain strength because of the focus on poor blacks at the expense of poor whites.
Making sure that the FACE of poverty remains black and making poor whites doing all they can not to be associated with that face has been the MO since reconstruction. I cannot believe it is still working after all this time.
Posted by: Qusan at September 20, 2005 09:42 AM
I think if anyone has the right to be rascist, it should be the illegal immigrants! The government isn't helping them and no one else seems to care. Yea, they lost everything too, they bitch, but not as much as the whites or blacks! They come to this country and work their asses off,so they can send money back to Mexico. The whites and blacks bitch about the illegal aliens being here. Matter of fact is that they pay taxes so blacks and whites can have welfare checks! Plus, they get the jobs that blacks and whites don't want! It's not like they're taking everyones job. You don't see them taking a desk job to a major enterprise! Thats how I see it.
Posted by: Phil at October 4, 2005 08:56 PM