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February 09, 2005
The Month of Blogging Dangerously
I've solved the group black blog problem.
It suddenly occured to me that the problem with having a black group blog is that sooner or later, everyone would get sick of it. So I've come up with a solution: The Month of Blogging Dangerously.
I'd have to fund, organize and build the whole thing because I don't believe in... whatever it is that happens when somebody says, let's do this big black thing. There's some unnamed committee dynamic that just wrecks good ideas. But the Month of Blogging Dangerously basically goes like this:
You get the hottest black bloggers in the 'sphere to contribute for one month to a free-for-all black blog. You announce it ahead of time, and you buy massive advertising on the biggest blogs and maybe a few non-blogs like Africana, Black Voices, Slate and whomever else. All that matters is that you get a big fat blast out to start, and a dozen good writers to contribute for a month. Instant insanity. Huge hits, tremendous exposure. At the end of the month, everybody goes back to their regularly scheduled blog. Fait accompli.
The domain becomes a placeholder with ads and referrals to the bloggers and that's the name of that tune. A million blogger march. It's brilliant.
Anybody have $10,000? I didn't think so. Anyway, you heard it here first, and I am the poster child for what's friggen wrong with this country. African Americans are undercapitalized.
Posted by mbowen at February 9, 2005 03:56 PM
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A million blogger march.
I like this. Explain more, please.
Posted by: YvetteP at February 9, 2005 06:47 PM
Mike, I know for sure you're my child. Your ideas are way out there and original. How to execute is the problema I'm trying to conqueror that capitalization problem myself. How about this as an idea? Mother's response to a son's ruminations. We can challenge each other or I can express my outrage at some of your writings and pride/support of others. Mom
Posted by: Anonymous at February 10, 2005 09:55 AM