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January 23, 2005
What Klan?
As I travel back down memory lane in my own archives, I find some editorial written by Pops in June of 1998 and realize that it has been that long since the KKK has been on the front page. The incident was the death of James Byrd in Jasper, TX.
I only bring this up to be provocative in two ways. The first to repeat Pops' own provocation: Where are black gangs when you need them?
I want to be clearly understood on this point. I am talking about more than an eye for an eye. That, oh shocked reader, would be justice. What I am calling for here is SVV: Stiff Viagra Vengeance...without explanation, apology or guilt. It has been said over the ages that there is no honor among thieves. Well, there is no shame among klansmen or white supremacists. They are the abject scum of this country's more blatant racists. And America has tolerated them and their absolute madness for entirely too long. It is both amazing and ridiculous that there is a fact-gathering Klan Watch and yet not a full fledged Klan Bomb Squad. As I write this DOWN FRONT! and eventually as you read the same, there are klansmen and their associated ilk who are drinking beer or piss (I suspect they hardly care much about the difference) in abject celebration of James Byrd's beating, death and dismemberment. They are of such a warped mentality that the blatant abuse or misuse of Black people is really no big deal. There is historical precedence for what happened in Jasper. The word describing it has gone out of favor, but not the practice itself. During more honest times, the word "lynching" was used. As noted in an earlier DOWN FRONT!, a Black man from Virginia was recently burned and then beheaded. (By the way, one of the white men accused of that crime came to court in a wheel chair and was considered to be much too sick to be tried. He was rearrested just this week after being spotted playing golf!) We're talking about 1998 not 1798 or 1898.
The second is to note in passing that the Klan hasn't killed any black men or women since then. So who cares or talks about the Klan any more? Not me.
Nowadays we hear more stuff like this. I think it only goes to prove my point. We are, as African Americans in the main, not all about the politics of Human Rights or Civil Rights, but of Social Power. I think it should go without saying that the advantage currently lies with the Republican Party. What's absolutely hilarious is that in 1998, nobody thought that Henry Kissinger would be asked to comment about his view of the new black female Secretary of State. We're not in Kansas anymore.
Posted by mbowen at January 23, 2005 01:46 PM
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� It's Where You're At from Vision Circle
Over at Cobb, I've gotten into a thread about when whitefolks should or should not shutup when it comes to blackfolks politics. I think one thing that distinguishes black politics from white is that with black politics there is always... [Read More]
Tracked on January 25, 2005 11:28 AM
"white lurkers in black fora always give black folks the creeps."
Do I give you the creeps?
That's a toughy, about the law student. It's hard to believe anybody in this day and time saying such a thing in public. I guess the student has to ask himself exactly what the damage is and how far he wants to take it. What does he want the end result to be? Does he *want* to make a big deal, or does he want her to understand how what she said affected him and to be more careful in future? Maybe the best thing for him to have done would be to go up to her after class, without an audience, and just tell her that she really hurt his feelings with her comment and that now he's going to be thinking that because he's black, she views him as a thug. Shock, horror, apology, no repeat, end of story.
As to white people accidentally offending black people - I was at work one day standing around with my black female coworkers, when the boss's visiting mother came around to say goodbye. She said "Bye, ladies" and we said bye. Subsequently one of my coworkers remarked that she thought the boss's mother almost said "Bye, girls" and caught herself in time. I said, "So what? We are girls." They explained to me that that would have been a racial putdown. I said, "With me standing here, and her obviously including me too?" "Yes." Live and learn.
Posted by: Anonymous at January 23, 2005 02:40 PM
Ha, well, my comment obviously went with your archived post.
Posted by: Anonymous at January 23, 2005 03:00 PM
This is hardly a black forum. I'm talking about something like ohh.. 'Mysteries of Black Folks' on Salon's Table Talk. But that's not even close. Something like the Afam-L or the BRC email distribution. I can't say with any certainty because I don't even know what black forums are out there. When I wrote that I was most certainly thinking about soc.culture.african.american, the Usenet group. And I know there have been instances where people have popped up and said stuff like: "I'm white and I have been reading this forum for six months and I haven't wanted to say anything until now, but I'm really surprised that any of you people defend OJ Simpson." I mean that is just wrong eight ways.
There are a million ways to offend people. I'm not about to enter into the business of diagnosing, healing or curing.
Posted by: Cobb at January 23, 2005 07:57 PM
"Anonymous" up there was me.
Joanne Jacobs had a post about Bill Cosby's statements a while back that turned into a long, long discussion among black people who had never posted at her site. Never saw them again, either. There was another such thread at Rosenblog. I think there's a time and a place for people to shut up, and in discussions like those, for white people that's one. In my opinion. It didn't stop me from reading them because I'm curious about human nature. I guess they had to know white people might read their comments though, so it wasn't quite as creepy as it might have been.
I used to do Table Talk, a long time ago.
Posted by: Laura at January 24, 2005 07:29 PM
Funny, I feel annoyed about whitefolks getting traffic discussing black issues. I shouldn't, because I really don't market Cobb as much as I should. But there has long been a perception that the blogosphere is a white male domain.
But I do recall the volume of traffic rose around here when Cosby spoke out. Then it died down and went away.
I don't think whitefolks should ever shutup, just that they shouldn't lurk and then spring out of the corners with non-productive comments. It makes them whiter than they need to be. It's a dicey subject which I can take seriously when I choose to, but I haven't been the race man for a while.
I'm one of those people who believe that blackfolks and whitefolks need absolutely no prompting whatsoever. I think 'race relations' is a joke subject that has nothing to do with combatting racism. There are very few people who are interested in combatting racism, but zillions who would like to be 'correct'.
Posted by: Cobb at January 24, 2005 08:46 PM
"Correct" keeps you out of trouble.
The reason I thought white people ought to shut up about the Cosby conversation is that it seems like anything one of us said would be like "Yeah, y'all ought to straighten up" or "Oh, y'all aren't so bad." Either way, inappropriate.
If I had piped up, at least one thing I would have said is that I don't like putting the way kids dress at the same level of outrage as irresponsible adult behavior. Kids have ALWAYS found a way to irritate their elders with their appearance. Back in the 1920's, bobbed hair and flapper dresses were supposed to signal Armageddon. I think the comic in Mr. Crosby (Are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up?) got the better of him on that point and diluted his message. It tickles me to see kids - and they're usually black teenage boys, but that may be the demographics where I live - walking down the sidewalk with their shorts pulled down so low the crotch is between their knees and they're having to kind of duck-walk. I think that if they could look back at that scene when they're my age they would wonder what possessed them to look such a fool. But that is classic kid stuff. Classic. Nothing to really gripe about, IMO.
Posted by: Laura at January 25, 2005 10:46 AM