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January 21, 2005

That's Why They Pay Us the Big Bucks

I'm sorry. I haven't had to punch anybody in the nose for a while, but this project deserves that and a swift kick. Actually, the kick should go to whomever is supposedly watching the budget around there.

Since I'm in a kicking mood, I'm going to speculate that this is the kind of expanding economy champions of offshoring are talking about. What a mixed bag that is.

Anyway, cutting to the chase, here is a solution to a problem. Open up Query Analyzer and type in the following two lines of code:


or hire Armen to write you a wizard like this. The documentation of this project alone, while stellar and comprehensive, must have taken at least a week.

Shocking ain't it?

Posted by mbowen at January 21, 2005 05:23 PM

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