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January 18, 2005


On this MLK Day, I don't have much to say. What do I think he would be doing?

I think MLK would be on the board of trustees for the World Health Organization. I think that his last big domestic agenda would have been about the Contras, and that during the 80s he would have started going abroad and done Nobel style peace work very much like Jimmy Carter.

King would have made some stink about Florida 2000, but it would have been a press release we all would have ignored.

When I think of MLK on a typical day, I see him chillin' with Desmond Tutu. When is the last time Americans paid attention to Desmond Tutu? Exactly.

The most important difference King would have made in todays society is that he would have diminished the significance of all of his second fiddles, except Ralph Abernathy.

Posted by mbowen at January 18, 2005 01:13 PM

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"When is the last time Americans paid attention to Desmond Tutu? Exactly."

After Churchill saved England's butt during WWII they turned around and voted him out of office. Thanks, but we're tired of the war and ready to move on. Kind of sad.

Posted by: Anonymous at January 23, 2005 02:56 PM