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January 05, 2005


I enjoyed the football game last night. I've always been a faithful fan of USC football, not always a big fan, but whenever they play a big game, I'm in their corner. Last night was no exception, and I take a bit of pleasure at having ribbed some Sooners last week.

But it seems to me that it's extremely arrogant that we have a situation in which journalists are deciding who is the number one college football team in the nation. This is a horrible injustice and a slap in the face of American values. I don't want glib commentators to decide, I want the players, teams and coaches to decide. Not the bowl game sponsors. Not the college regents. It's all about the game.

Have a playoff. Until there is a real playoff in Division one, every national champion should have an asterisk next to their name. Except USC.

Posted by mbowen at January 5, 2005 12:16 PM

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I'm trying to pull together a webpage to showcase some of the better black blogs. I've already coined a word -- "blawgs" -- and set up a website I call "Blag Cafe" here: http://blawger.net

My purpose is to get black blawgers talking to each other or whatever other positive ideas may evolve from a central meeting place. To kick things off I've started something call "Blawgs of the Week" to showcase some of the more thought-provoking blawgs.

But the real innovation on the site is that I've set it so everyone who registers has full permissions. This turns it into kind of "wiki" -- each visitor sets the agenda.

For example, on the front page is a news module in which anyone can post an article about anything. If, say, you think your recent blog entry needs to be shared with other bloggers, you need only post it to the front page of the blawg cafe and there it will remain until it's bumped my someone eles's entry.

The Cafe also contains a phpbb forum and really cool chat room, as well as other features such as chess, etc.

Finally, I'd like your opinion about starting a "Black Bloggers Association." When you visit the site, please check out the forum I've started for discussion of this idea.

Thank you,

Ricky Landers

Posted by: Ricky at January 6, 2005 03:00 PM