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January 01, 2005
Genetic Genocide
Why are there no Neanderthals around? They're certainly smarter than chimpanzees. You'd think they would have survived. The answer that scientists seem to agree upon is that we killed them. All of them, down to the last caveman. It's not too difficult to imagine, unfortunately. But it's pretty damned scary when you think of it.
Homo Sapiens are, according to evolutionary biologists, the dominant hominids because we whooped the contenders.
Picture this. You're out at a bar and this guy is pestering a cute girl. You see her slap him and call him a Neanderthal. He comes on to her again. If you have this overwhelming urge to beat the crap out of him and get the girl, it's only natural (selection).
Posted by mbowen at January 1, 2005 10:04 PM
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