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December 27, 2004
Fragments for EOY 2004
I need to say a few things all at once to catch up on blogging business.
- RIP Reggie I am not going to mourn the loss of Reggie White. I'm sure he was a great guy and a fine father, but his brand of leadership belongs in the Second World. Sorry, but us University types don't buy it. I heard he played football or some such...
- Kobe Beef Speaking of which, somebody please slap the crap out of Kobe Bryant. I hear there's a line, like that scene in 'Airplane'. I hearby rescind all reprimands to Laker Haters. Hate on.
- Apple Mac Daddy Another year has passed without the introduction of a premium Windows hardware platform. Aside from Alienware's quirky demographic and the lovely Shuttle, nobody is really paying attention. Understand this, the Apple Stores rock. Nothing else comes close. Not that they couldn't, they just don't try. What's up with that?
- Chill on China I am finally getting chills around my toes about the prospects for me in China. I've slacked off my language lessons for two weeks, opting instead for history and contemporary studies of the place. I so desparately am going to need an assistant / valet.
- My Terabyte
My home network, with its 6 computers, Tivo, 2 game consoles and assorted peripherals now stores more than a Terabyte of data. I recall seeing last week some perspective given on the size of the searchable web in comparison to this burgeoning 'dark' area of all digital data. This glut is a staggering opportunity.
Posted by mbowen at December 27, 2004 11:03 AM
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