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October 29, 2004

Ca Ca

I remain astounded at how cockeyed are some of our observers. Krugman is literally freaking out when he's calling 380 tons 'real substance' in spite of the hundreds of kilotons our forces have alreade dispatched.

QaQaa was one of over 500 sites to be handled. By the terms of the Army itself, this was of 'Medium' importance. When the chorus was the more simplistic (and honest) chant of 'Bush Lied', we could be sure that nothing less than a bona fide weapon of mass destruction would matter. Instead, our forces found masses of destructive weapons and nobody cared. That is until Kerry discovered that a rounding error molehill could be blown up into a campaign altering mountain. That he has continued to sound this alarm is yet another indication to me that he dare not speak about the greater purposes and aims of the American mission in Iraq - only its mistakes. To give voice to the greater truth would be to endorse Bush's intent. He cannot afford that.

Posted by mbowen at October 29, 2004 08:01 AM

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