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October 19, 2004

The World of Tomorrow

If ever there were a film that one could wait until television, it's 'Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow'. Zero plot twists, incredibly wooden acting and stifling dumb dialog.

I have to say that the look and feel are quite interesting, if imbalanced at times. But whoever directed this stinker couldn't have possibly been awake at the retro flicks it evokes. The whole attraction of flicks it emulates is the snappy dialog. Drop the 'n' and that's the adjective here.

It's a great movie to play silently on a wall at a party, or on your desktop when your brain needs to be occupied elsewhere, but don't even bother trying to be entertained. If you like the retro concept, go see Hellboy. Ten times better.

Posted by mbowen at October 19, 2004 08:10 AM

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Funny you should say that - I was all ready to see it, just for the flying ocean liner aircraft carriers (what the hell were those things, anyway?).

Then I found out Angelina Jolie would be in it.

Never mind.

Posted by: Chris of Dangerous Logic at October 19, 2004 10:07 AM

Angelina Jolie is forgettable in this jobbie. It's all about her lips. She doesn't do much else, but act butch. But don't take my word for it; I was sleeping through most of her parts.

Posted by: Cobb at October 19, 2004 10:20 AM