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October 13, 2004
Who's Your Daddy?
Whenever I hear the word 'patriarchy', I curl into a fetal position and whimper. It has the effect of freaking out the feminist who utters it, and sometimes of wrinkling my pants. But it's better than the alternative which is to wash out her mouth with soap. That'll get you shackled in a dungeon.
I could probably think of a better and more intellectual reaction, such as this, but I'd rather just roll my eyes and make the universal sign for 'puke'.
By the way, what do you call a feminist with three children? An Afghan voter. As for the rest of them, I'll just turn the subject to baseball - something else I vaguely understand. I raise my glass to all the Dads in the world. You know who you are.
Posted by mbowen at October 13, 2004 09:38 AM
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Cathy Young is a hegemonist tool of the capitalist patriarchy! Her essay is a logocentric appeal to traditionalist discourses that refuse to acknowledge the decentering of the other in the post-Althusserian context of degendered relations!
Seriously, though, I've been making similar points as she has about "rape shield" laws for ages now: the assumption that men are always the guilty ones, that it is always a heterosexual thing, that to even question the veracity of an accusation is a terrible sin, etc, etc. It's amazing how few men are willing to stand up and point these things out for fear of being labelled "sexists."
Posted by: Abiola Lapite at October 14, 2004 12:36 PM