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October 11, 2004

All Your Mullahs Are Belong To Us

Here is an interesting analogy between GWBush and FDR as regards their similar decisions to expend US military resources in a global war.

[D]estroy Japan, and Germany is unaffected. Destroy Germany, and the world is free to obliterate Japan.
destroy Al Queda, and Islamofascism is unaffected. Destroy Islamofascism , and the world is free to obliterate Al Queda.

There is something that annoys me about those opposed to the conduct, but not the aims of the war. They suggest that because they were not consulted about the military strategy, that they have the right to question the intent of the President. This flawed logic is perfectly clear to me. What is not clear to me is how much of the support for Kerry is actually logically pacifist, how much is simply anti-Bush and how much is genuinely convinced that we are fighting losing battles. In either case, I believe them all to be wrong, but at least I can respect the pacifists.

Posted by mbowen at October 11, 2004 07:45 AM

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