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October 03, 2004


"You can't rise as a class. You have to rise individually. It's what
many of the civil rights-era people don't understand," he said.
"They want us to rise together, they keep telling us that we are
victims. If they keep telling us they are victims, then there is a role
for them to play."

-- Alphonso Jackson, HUD Sec'y

Posted by mbowen at October 3, 2004 11:03 AM

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Tracked on October 5, 2004 04:27 PM


If true, then why did D'Nish D'Souza blast Blacks about not supporting Black business and sending "Black money" out of the community faster than any other group in the U.S.? Why did he compare Blacks to Jews?

Why did he criticize Blacks for not doing like some immigrant groups who establish "micro loan" programs?

That's individual AND group dynamics going on.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, given the double talk and double actions directed towards Blacks, it's a miracle and a statement of our strength that most Blacks aren't suffering from mental problems.

Living with the double standards directed towards Blacks is a bit much.

Posted by: DarkStar at October 3, 2004 04:10 PM

What double talk and double actions? The bone thrown to you by the Democrats isn't enough?

I'd like to hear what you really want, Mr. Victim.

Posted by: UncleSmrgol at October 5, 2004 03:50 PM

I'd like to hear what you really want, Mr. Victim.

I'm not a Democrat. They have no bones for me. Besides I want meat.

To make it easy for you to understand: D'Souza says Blacks shouldn't act as a group then turns around and says Blacks should at like groups he likes. That's his double talk.

Care to provide meat instead of stale hot air?

Posted by: DarkStar at October 5, 2004 06:16 PM

The bone thrown to you by the Democrats isn't enough?

I'm not a Democrat. They have no bones for me. Plus I want meat, not bones.

To make is simple for you: D'Souza claims Blacks shouldn't act as a group. They should act as individuals. Then he says Blacks, the group, should act like groups he likes. That's D'Souza's double talk.

Now, do you want to provide meat instead of stale hot air?

Posted by: DarkStar at October 5, 2004 06:19 PM