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September 19, 2004


This time it was me. You know, the slightly harried bald middle aged guy yelling "Hey Kids", on the verge of losing patience. Fortunately, I have the Master Sargeant voice and the ear piercing whistle, and yes I did make Chris get down and give me 5 pushups. But on the whole, my kids, my brother's kids and my other brother's kids, and my sister's kid were all pretty good this weekend camping at Cachuma Lake.

There's not much to say. A car and a truck packed to the gills with gear. 3 adults, 9 kids under 12, 5 tents, 3 days and two nights, (not to mention 100 wasps and a hungry raccoon.) We managed to get the six girls in one tent - the giggles could be heard clear across the lake.

We swam. We hiked. We ate. We sang. We chanted. We watched birds, told stories, and did Indian dances around the campfire. One of us even had a White Russian in a hammock between two massive oak trees and finished off a few crossword puzzled between naps.

There's about an inch of crud on all of us and I hope we don't have to call the plumber after tonights showers. Maybe things will be back to normal tomorrow.

Posted by mbowen at September 19, 2004 08:27 PM

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bald, hell. There's a gleaming halo. OK so you have Master & Commander, but getting 6 girls under 12 into one tent & giggle all the way....

If you are going to camp out you have to have a little Robert Service (the Cremation of Sam McGee) in the fireside repetoire.

Posted by: liz at September 19, 2004 09:42 PM

Sounds like a good time was had by all!

We spent the weekend in the White Mtns (AZ) scouting for Antelope. There were not near as many of us on this trip, but I could have used a White Russian at the end of it all. Managed to break three things on my truck, get soaking wet and had to take the long way home. We had a great time in the process, but it was an expensive weekend.

Next weekend I am actually hunting antelope. If I am lucky, I might even see one. I will be taking the camera along though, since that is when you are most likely see all the animals you can't shoot.

Posted by: Joel (No Pundit Intended) at September 20, 2004 05:57 PM

Sounds like heaven (even the kids).

I haven't been camping in about ten years. It's one of my favorite outings (bequeathed for my favorite uncle).

Posted by: Juliette at September 22, 2004 09:09 PM

bequeathed for=bequeathed *from*

Posted by: Juliette at September 22, 2004 09:10 PM