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September 02, 2004

Annoying Stupidity About Race

I sure am glad that I know a few things, because if I didn't, I'd probably be symbolizing up a storm about a sissyfight between Oliver Willis and Dean Esmay.

As far as I can see, it got started because Dean dared to ask whitefolks if they found blackfolks annoying, which is of course an annoying question in and of itself. But it's also a somewhat clever way of getting people to air their frustrations about an annoying topic that a lot of people are mad about because they can't find much neutral ground.

As you might imagine. This little dustup has caused a small black hole in the blogosphere and attracted all kinds of extraneous junk from the surrounding space-time continuum. I found it while pissing on P6 who was passing comments about something or other I've already forgotten about. See - even thinking about this is making me stupid.

Oh wait. Heres the trick. Since Dean is Repub and Oliver is Donkey, the spew from this catfight had to spill over into why black conservatives and Republicans are stupid, why Dave Chappelle isn't funny, why Harold Ford is a 'pampered little bitch', and why Zell Miller is a racist. That's why this annoying conversation went over into stupidity. Chappelle is hilarious, Miller is a genuine ass-kicker without a dishonest bone, Ford is uppity and classy like me and black conservatives are [generally] brilliant. Plus, even a homeboy from my hometown dissed my Brotherhood mate LaShawn as not representative of most blackfolks. (Duh, she has a blog!).

So I'll view this as an opportunity to attract attention to myself because I am above all the nonsense and have the proper perspective on racism. This is most clearly an episode of Class Three. (Namecalling & disrespect). But it also illustrates how a little racial tension goes a long way in political discussions, even when they descend into utter sputtering madness. Maybe I'll keep the black modifyer on Republican for 18 months instead of just 12.

My trackback exerpt (An honest to God black Republican defends Dean Esmay's annoying question.) is a lie, because I don't think Dean's question is particularly useful, insightful or pertinent to any issues of concern other than generating some more traffic among people who think they know everything about race, blackfolks or conservatives. I am happy to have such individuals frequent Cobb, even if by accident or trackback trolling.

I will say this of Dean Esmay though. He's not trying to be anything he ain't and he steps up and says what he means. That's why the blogosphere remains interesting, and at turns annoying.

Posted by mbowen at September 2, 2004 08:40 PM

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I guess I am not Big Enough from In Search of Utopia
For the ignorant blowhard Dean Esmay to come to my barrio and make idiotic comments like this: Maybe my first comment just got eaten by the Internet Monkeys. So I'll try again. You know, I grew up in a neighborhood... [Read More]

Tracked on September 2, 2004 10:04 PM

The Whole Dean Esmay Thing... from In Search of Utopia
Seems that Esmay wants to talk... I could write a long post about Minstrel shows, Amos and Andy and all that, and how Black comedians are showing a bit of payback for that in the way they make fun of... [Read More]

Tracked on September 2, 2004 10:50 PM

my take from the rogue angel
Many of you may have read some of the hoopla going on regarding Dean Esmay (here and here) and some of the things he has had to say about black people vs white people ... and the whole race/racism issue. A lot of people have responded ... like David An... [Read More]

Tracked on September 3, 2004 08:38 AM

Interesting Take on The Dean Esmay Discussion from In Search of Utopia
I read this post on the Dean Esmay discussion today, and it got me to thinking. This discussion has spilled over to a large portion of the bloogsphere since Dean's original post that started the whole thing. One of the... [Read More]

Tracked on September 4, 2004 02:10 PM


Yo Cobb, finaly after all these months I get noticed by you, LOL, and you trackback to me without even giving me a link. I dont get it?

Posted by: David Anderson at September 2, 2004 09:24 PM

My bad. I've been too self-absorbed and not reading other people's blogs. I'm a week late on this one.

Posted by: Cobb at September 2, 2004 09:36 PM

Okay Bro. But the link still does not point to the post you were talking about. Anyway, glad to see you remember I am from LA. On the Lashawn thing, I have for the most part held my tongue out of respect for my Sister, even though she might not consider me a brother based on some of her post. If you read my positions on the issues, you may find that I hold many views that are close to your own, but I will NEVER disrespect my people on my Blog, judgement call on my part. She is free to do as she wishes, but from my side of the aisle, I see her doing a lot of bashing of black folks moreso even than some of the pigment challenged conservatives that read her blog.
Nevertheless, I am not even comfortable discussing the issue here, and would not have if you had not raised the issue. I respect all points of view, and I love my people good or bad. We can be successful, have different political points of view, and still have respect for our heritage. I dont know whats in her bank account or any of the other Black Conservatives, but I will compare favorably I think with most, and certainly from the point of life success I would, but I have never forgotten from whence I came, and no amount of success in the blogging world will create an enviornment in which I would.

Posted by: David Anderson at September 2, 2004 09:59 PM

Man, is that conversation still going on? I am afraid to look, Cobb!

I wrote about this as well because I mostly thought the original premise was out of wack - http://www.nopunditintended.com/?q=Black-People-Esmay-Asks-Joel-Answers

I didn't know Dean was a Repub - I was told otherwise. I just though he had come over from the darkside during our tribal warfare season. I think I liked him better as a sensible liberal :)

Posted by: Joel (No Pundit Intended) at September 2, 2004 10:35 PM

I'm not trying to take sides on this one. I just lost 200 words writing about this in detail. Bottom line, I'm just absorbing the dynamic and seeing how it's affecting several different people I respect.

Posted by: Cobb at September 2, 2004 11:56 PM


Posted by: David Anderson at September 3, 2004 09:46 AM

Hold up a second. David, what did you blog about me?

Posted by: La Shawn at September 3, 2004 01:50 PM

All I know is that Oliver Willis, has gone over the edge lately. Sensitive about everything, and just full of leftists talking points. Don't waist my time reading it anymore.
you see how he reacted to Instapundits simple comments about the Russian terrorists!!!

so if anybody is opposing him, then I am for them. LOL

Posted by: sean mccray at September 4, 2004 11:05 PM

please save the silly "i aint forgot where i came from" crap.
what exactly is your point??
you guys love to say that stupid, insipid comment.

Posted by: sean mccray at September 4, 2004 11:09 PM