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August 25, 2004

Pardon My French

I like the French. While I don't particularly admire them, I would say without hesitation that they are an admirable bunch. I don't disdain them as is the current American fashion. On the whole I am positive. There are several reasons for this.

The French Have Balls
There's no other way to put it. The French are combattive, arrogant and stubborn as hell. They stand up to us, or anyone as if they really don't care what we think. They do, but they make a good show of not being the slightest bit purturbed.

French Is A Cool Language
There is something about the way French is spoken when done well that is remarkable. I studied French for three years in highschool and was pretty damned ready for honors in my fourth, except that there were not enough francophiles in my school to justify offering the class. So I had learned enough to start reading books. But the way French sentences and paragraphs are constructed allows for incredibly persuasive arguments. Call me weird but I really dug the French subjunctive.

The French Have Style
The last time I was in Paris, which was some time ago, I hung out with my cousin at a fashion show. It was a hiphop fashion show, in fact, and the models looked like they were straight out of a Janet Jackson video. It took me a while, having stared my eyeballs into straining, that these African women were not English speakers. Imagine a room full of girls that look like Sanaa Lathan

In addition to those things, the French Understand Sex and the French Are Free. They can and will lecture you on those matters. I think America will come back around to giving the French their due props. Wait and see...

While I'm at it, it being national stereotypes as informed by my limited personal experience, let me add the following.

Germans talk too much about the littlest things. I don't know how they do it, but they can get into discussions and not leave until they have completely exhausted the subject and taken score about who knows the most. Every time I speak to one of them, I get the feeling that they are counting the syllables in the words I am using. They're fricking relentless on this. On the other hand, they do understand loud music, fast cars and women in fishnet stockings.

I truly don't understand Italians. I suppose that's because I have never been able to get one of them drunk enough to confess anything. They seem completely uninterested in impressing anyone for any reason, probably because they keep getting insulted all the time. It's probably not fair that I am thinking of the (rich, WestLA) slob who used to date my sister and a lot of stuff that DeLillo wrote, but I do tend to believe that Italian men can be pretty effed up in the head, especially when it comes to women.

Aussies are the world's friendliest drunks, although they're a bit more bigotted than you would think, especially about people who are not in the room. They can't dance for shit, but that doesn't stop them from trying. Australian food sucks rocks, and what's worse they don't have good foreign restaurants there either. Nevertheless they are great outdoorsy people and have the most intelligent and sophisticated appreciation of sports and wildlife on the planet. They're a bit self-conscious which leavens out their rough edges. In the end, you gotta love 'em.

Kiwis are the most honest and personable people on the planet. They make us all look bad. You won't realize it until you've seen them compare favorably with happy Aussies. New Zealand is probably the only modern place on the planet that requires little or no cynicism and paranoia, and because of this is the exception Kiwis are completely capable of being legitimate lefties. Most of them are too polite to tell us to get over ourselves - on the other hand since they enjoy pristine land at 5 bucks an acre, maybe they're quiet for a reason. Having danced with Maoris, I will never take a tribal marking lightly - which also means I can't take most tatoos I see seriously. I wonder if I will be able to adjust to NZ realities in my lifetime.

Russians are the craftiest fucks in the world. I admire their passion and their appreciation for the tragedy of life. Of all the folks I know, they most closely resemble African Americans in their capacity for subversion and love. I think we are equally subject to the temptations of Bling and perserverance under ordinarily cramped circumstances. We are both poetic and practical people. I do love Russians to death, I only wish I knew one I could trust. Well, actually I do, it's just that I can't find him.

To be continued...

There's a lot I could say about Brits, but I think I'm more persuaded to admire them for who they've been rather than for who they are. In Britain, I see our future, 300 years from now when Wall Street is a subdivision of the Chinese Borse. I mostly meet Brits online when gaming, and what counts for the average Euro counts nicely for the average Brit, which means above all they value fair play and understand the pain of dissolution. Brits, if they didn't invent it, perfected the art of the social drink, and are thus the cause of global drug culture in non-spiritual populations. What could be a greater tribute? I give Brits the most credit for not being particularly swayed by pretty pictures and the invention of the hedgerow. As you can see, it's complicated.

Chinese have had my focus for the past 3 years. I was on my way to spend 6 weeks in Asia in 2001 when certain events took over. I was learning Mandarin, both conversationally and pictogrammatically. What I like most about the Chinese is that they do business with friends in defiance of markets, lawyers and the dignity of the common man. It is of course, their great weakness too, if you don't count gambling. You see, to me, the Chinese represent the idea that a human being is empty clay - that it makes no sense to assume anything positive about them, that uneducated or untrained or unloved that they possess nothing, not even a soul. That the Chinese accepts this emptiness and meaninglessness of himself means that of all people he is the most worldly. Chinese represent the absense of transcendence to me, he is the perfect soldier, the perfect businessman, the perfect chef because without his skill, he is nothing.

It is difficult for me to disentangle my thoughts about the Japanese from what must be common stereotypes by now. Instead, I prefer to think of Japanese Americans who, of all Asians, seem the most American.

Posted by mbowen at August 25, 2004 11:52 AM

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Nations from aldahlia
Cobb on France, among other things.. [Read More]

Tracked on August 29, 2004 03:21 PM


Regarding your statement "The French Have Balls", which group would you rather have fight alongside you on battlefield: a) a french division, b) an Israeli division, or c) a British division? Assume all groups have the same equipment.

"Cheese eating surrender monkeys" is a better description. Smart money says that the Religion of Bombings will burn the Louvre down in the near future.

Posted by: Dexter M. Duck at August 26, 2004 12:06 PM

You haven't been paying attention to what American soldiers have been saying about the French Troops in Afghanistan have you? It's old news that they have been working together, especially at Tora Bora.

Posted by: Cobb at August 26, 2004 12:16 PM

This is news to me, I'll look into it asap. The last time I looked at the French military I read about problems with the wrong screws on the Charles de Gaulle. I'll update my reading.

Dexter M. Duck

Posted by: Dexter at August 26, 2004 10:06 PM

The French once conquered Europe. Britain tends to come in at the end of a war won by the Russians, or others ( Napoleanic, and WWII) and give the final blow. In World War II France was fighting the greatest fighting machine seen to that date: even when they were certain to lose the German's fought amazingly well against the Allies : France, Britain ( and empire), and America: enough to bring the Allies to a standstill at many points. They were only defeated by overwhelming force in any battle. Every German battalion took far more lives then they gave.

So the French did not have much chance at the start of WWII, but still gave up 200,000 lives fighting, not surrendering - However, France was not defended by France alone, but by France and Britain, in the form of it's British Expeditionary Force. The British forces were pulverised and limped home via Dunkirk: Roast Beef Eating Retreat Monkeys, that they were. Hitler chose not to eliminate them.

Israel has a third rate army fighting fourth rate armies. Without American support they would be nothing, and France would pulverise them now.

Posted by: Frenchie at September 6, 2004 07:06 AM

bien entendu.

I would also add that I was impressed by France's recent troop deployments & assistance in West Africa in light of American unwillingness to send more than a few advisors.


Posted by: Cobb at September 6, 2004 07:34 AM