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July 15, 2004

That's What I'm Talking About

Armstrong Williams talks too fast. He's like a cache of rapid-fire cliches that work like shotgun shells. Spray and pray. If he would have slowed down and listened, he would have had the perfect retort this morning on NPR.

The NAACP guy rattled off about seven policy issues over which GWBush and the NAACP clash. What Williams should have noticed was that only one of them was reasonably close to a civil rights issue. Of course the NAACP thinks everything is a civil rights issue, that's why they have no idea why they are ignored. They also think that they represent the overwhelming majority of African Americans. But I am not hydrated enough to sweat the details of this clash of the (NOT) titans. The big news is that Bush is going to meet with the Urban League instead. Bravo!

I'm going to remind you all that the Urban League here in Los Angeles backed Wal-Mart in the Crenshaw Plaza. And I hope that for some of you, it's all you need to know. But man do I wish it came down to a showdown between the Urban League and the NAACP. (Now the evil part of me is thinking of a way to recast the acronym into an identifyable R Kelly fan club. It's that P at the end that keeps calling my name.) Of course we'll take the Urban League in a heartbeat.

And that's all I have to say about that. For now.

Posted by mbowen at July 15, 2004 11:22 PM

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