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July 05, 2004
Your Competition: Part Two
The NYT tells a story of Bantu refugees who have found a home here in the US.
or Abkow Edow, a Bantu refugee from Somalia who now lives in Tucson, the Fourth of July was just another day. Though fireworks on the mountain and a reggae concert were scheduled, Mr. Edow was washing dishes at the Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa, wearing a baseball cap and thick rubber gloves that came up to his elbows. His wife, Madina Idle, was folding sheets and towels several corridors away in the vast underground complex below the desert views, the fountains and the valet golf carts.But work is good. If the Fourth was just another day, it was a day in an extraordinary year for the couple, their two children and a grandson.
Mr. Edow, 57, and Ms. Idle, 42, have found themselves, after 12 years in refugee camps, at the end of the rainbow: America.
I often dream of doing business with people who don't spend so much time watching television. And I tell you without reservation that I feel a paternalistic and patriotic duty to immigrants such as these. It is days like this that I sometimes get angry at myself for being in the computer business. Nevertheless, I think I'll find a way to reconcile these things.
In the meanwhile, read this whole thing.Download file
Posted by mbowen at July 5, 2004 02:47 PM
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