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May 08, 2004

New XBox Titles

This week and last, I broke my own rule of renting from Blockbuster since I already pay Gamefly. But the new games that have come out, I just had to try. I got 007 Everything or Nothing, Spinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Red Dead Revolver and Ninja Gaiden. I would have liked to find Rallisport 2, but they didn't have it.

007 has been out for a while and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I didn't get very far through the game but I think it degraded my skills for Rainbox Six. That lock-on targetting system really takes the right thumb out of practice. All in all I rate it highly. It's one of the best third person action titles since Brute Force.

Ninja Gaiden sucks. I understand why somebody would like it, that is to say somebody 10 years old like my boy. But it's just not my style. A bit too much button mashy for my tastes.

Red Dead Revolver is the bomb. I'm only three chapters into this and I'm really opening up a can of wild west whoopass. The duelling interface is innovative and cool. They've really done a bang-up job and I intend to get fairly immersed into this puppy..


Chances are I won't get a chance to do much of anything other than to play Pandora Tomorrow. I don't know what I did wrong when I played Splinter Cell the first time, but I just didn't get it. Or perhaps I just wanted to run and gun at the time and never got anywhere. But this time, I am fully engaged. I like sneaking around a lot, especially since I've been getting snuffed in Rainbow Six 3. This kind of sneaking is cooler than Metal Gear Solid, and less forgiving. It doesn't get much better than this.

I'm looking forward to playing the online game too, because it's re-orients the controls and gives a completely different challenge.

Posted by mbowen at May 8, 2004 11:32 AM

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