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March 09, 2004

In My Sweaty Palm

I have in my hand, the first check paid from the first invoice from my first customer for the new business I started this year. If you told me this would be the case six months ago I wouldn't have believed it. I was ready to sell out to the Man and get back on the corporate treadmill. But now I am my own boss, once again. I'm not leaving this business until I can sell it for a nice chunk of change.

Tomorrow, I'm heading over to Wells Fargo in Redondo to sit down with my officer, Diana and have a cup of coffee while she gets me immediate credit on this fat check. Then I'm going to head over to Comp USA and buy that HP 6110 that I've been needing for 6 months.

And then I'm going to buy myself an ice cream cone.

Posted by mbowen at March 9, 2004 07:16 PM

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Congrats. Working for yourself is the only way to fly. Good Luck.

Posted by: Prince C. at March 9, 2004 07:28 PM

Way to go. All the best to you on your journey.

Posted by: Miller's Time at March 9, 2004 07:43 PM

I wish to extend my congrats also. As someone who is attempting to establsih his own bussiness also, you're succes is an inspiration on this otherwise ho-hum day.

Posted by: walter at March 10, 2004 12:04 AM