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March 09, 2004
Whatevers to That
Since I have wasted an entirely good day off work not working and blogging instead, I may as well keep bloviating with a list of things that are somewhat interesting but not really:
- Water on Mars
Several billion years ago. So what? Here is definitely a case where fiction is far more interesting than truth. - Martha Stewart Guilty
You think she'll go to jail? Hm, in five years maybe she can trade stories with Kobe Bryant. There's got to be a market for consulting the rich and famous as they prepare for life in the big house. Or maybe I already saw that on the Discovery Channel. - Congressional Computers Lack Security
What a shock. This merits a gate suffix? Puhlease. - Bush Uses 9/11 Photos
That's really tacky and I should kick him for it, but whatever. I don't watch TV, it didn't affect me. - Howard Stern Booted from Clearchannel
Boo hoo. - Jayson Blair is Published
Celebrity drives. Ethics is in the trunk. What else is new?
If there's anything else that has fallen beneath the radar of my elevated sensibilities, whatever to that as well.
Posted by mbowen at March 9, 2004 05:55 PM
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