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February 02, 2004
Domestic Grumbling
I'm going to drop a few verbs on moving from Mumbai Mumbling to Domestic Grumbling. There hasn't yet been a Congressman to step up for the consulting industry and there are interesting reasons why. I've been thinking about this on and off for a while, but it's just too big to get out in one big bite. Meanwhile, Bob Cringely speaks:
2) "What do you have against those poor Indians, Bob, you racist?" I have nothing against those poor Indians, but neither do I feel that they have an innate right to take over functions that they don't do better than those who they replace. And what makes them poor Indians, anyway? Even Bono would look at the numbers and conclude that India takes in far more dollars from the U.S. than it pays out to buy U.S. goods. I checked back as far as 1986, and found only consistent trade surpluses on India's side of the ledger. The U.S. provides foreign aid to India, not the other way around. The net flow of investment capital has always been from the U.S. and into India. And don't forget the tens of thousands of U.S. workers who are either Indian citizens or of Indian descent who send money back to the old country every month. India has nothing to complain about concerning its financial relationship with the United States.
Posted by mbowen at February 2, 2004 06:10 PM
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