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January 30, 2004
The Wimp & The Barbarian
Terence Moore has penned a thought-provoking essay on the declining state of American manhood. He does an excellent job of jabbing these males we know to be less than men, and while I think he overdoes Kipling just a bit (surely there are real men in Tahiti), he paints memorable portraits of the failing male. I think they are more alike than Moore might think.
We have reason to fear and fight the wimp and the barbarian both, but I don't see as much concern generated by Moore's version about the dangers of the wimp. When you come to understand that the wimp is a coward then you realize how the wimp and the barbarian reinforce each other - that they are two sides of the same counterfeit masculinity.
The wimp aims for revenge and overkill. He fears all conflict and depends heavily on others to maintain order and peace. The wimp is excruciatingly mannered and leverages such manners to the extreme. He desires to be gentlemanly and genteel because he desires to avoid real conflict. And yet the wimp is aggressive in areas over which he attempts to
The wimp is cynical.
The barbarian makes excuses for everything and fears a lack of control. He cannot go with the flow. He won't eat food he hasn't eaten before or wear subtle colors. He has to be crushingly bold and always overstep cloddishly, and then he pretends to be a clown instead of making honest apologies. When he realizes nobody is fighting back, he asserts that it was his intention all along.
Posted by mbowen at January 30, 2004 12:47 AM
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