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January 08, 2004

Sounds Like Compassionate Conservatism

The airwaves are abuzz with the sound of selfish bigotry paleoconservative teeth gnashing. But that's not the worst of it.

GWBush is showing his true Texas colors and saying some common sense things about paperless workers. (If I have to keep inventing terms, I will). As always, I am for open integration and immigration to maintain America's Second World economy. But I don't understand how, within a matter of minutes, the Bush plan was declared to suck rocks because it doesn't have provisions for 'family reunification'.

Where the hell was family reunification yesterday? Even Dean and Kucinich weren't talking about it. If there's anything lower than a coattail dragger, it's one who insists that he's actually in front of you.

At any rate, sooner or later some wonk is going to parse whatever legislation comes out of the rhetoric and I'll give a thumbs up or down on it. Meanwhile, beware of spin.

Posted by mbowen at January 8, 2004 07:20 AM

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