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December 26, 2003

All About Being Uppity

The Uppity-Negro demonstrates, perhaps unintentionally, one more good reason for African-Americans to represent in the Republican Party.

[. . .] In 1983, when he was a young congressman during the Reagan administration, Gingrich sparked a controversy when he said: "It is in the interest of the Republican Party and Ronald Reagan to invent new black leaders, so to speak. People who have a belief in discipline, hard work and patriotism, the kind of people who applauded Reagan's actions in [invading] Grenada." The idea still applies, he said.

As a black republican who defied Reagan over Grenada I agree with Gingrich in his provocation. What does it say about the African-American political sophistication when the 'evil' whiteboys can create a more popular black icon than blackfolks themselves? It says that both blacks and whites are afraid of integration. Integrated places don't need all that, proving the Republican Party isn't truly integrated. Fine. There's only one true solution and that has to come from the masses of black voters. Unless and until they do so, scams of the foolish will continue.

It should go without saying that the entire success of the Republican Party over the past two decades has been all about grass roots work coupled with top-down scheming. The bottom up stuff is what Howard Dean's supporters are all excited about, because there hasn't been a true Demoratic populist since Lawton Chiles. Hell, this is what Nader showed in 2000, but I digress. African Americans have an open invitation to feed at the Republican trough, but by and large they are chickenshit. C'est la vie.

Posted by mbowen at December 26, 2003 10:56 AM

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Tracked on December 31, 2003 05:32 AM


Chickenshit you say? Man, feeding at trough of the Republicans or Democrats sickens me immensely. The leadership is one and the same: over-priviledge, out-of-touch, and old-fashioned. For a progressive thug such as myself, you gotta come better than that, hoss...

Posted by: S-Train at December 27, 2003 11:54 PM

I think that as out of touch as most people are with the wheeling and dealing of politics the primary thing political affiliation is good for is bashing their neighbors over the head with rhetoric.

How many jobs have you ever gotten in your life? How many names in your black book? Name the people who have given you material opportunities. Now how many of them were politicians? None.

There's no patronage in 90% of African American politics, and that's OK. Most people give money to church and don't get money back but they're still not unhappy. So if they don't give money to political parties and get nothing back, they shouldn't be mad.

The trough I was speaking of was metaphorical. I don't expect middleclass folks to get any pork.

We haven't heard it much yet but we'll hear it again. Are you better off than you were 4 years ago. No matter what the answer is, both parties want to take the credit if the answer is good, and lay the blame if the answer is bad. But how many Americans can name the bills passed by Congress that contributes either way?

African Americans are chickenshit because they get nothing from Democrats and give them the benefit of the doubt, and they get nothing from Republicans and dismiss them without a second thought. The biggest gripe is the purported active racism of the Republicans. I find it impossible to believe that the only white racists in America are Republican. So are you afraid of racists or not?

Again, I break it down to the same analogy. All white neighborhood, may or may not be racist. If that place is no better than yours, then you have no reason to move, especially if there are racists. But if that place is better, then you should move despite the racists.

The Republicans are better because they've got the power and the momentum in politics *and* the Democrats are confused and moving in multiple directions at once... So even if the Republicans were all racists,

I'm simply asking African Americans to play realpolitik acknowledging that their only significantly different agenda from all other Americans of similar class backgrounds is their permanent interests in anti-racism. The Democrats never did and never will have the power to cleanup the racists in the Republican Party, it can only happen through black power IN the Republican Party, and so longs as down brothers are chickenshit and let the Republicans pick and choose their own Uncle Toms, then they are complicit in the racism of the Republican Party because they don't step to it.

Black Democrats who complain about white Republican racists are loudmouths throwing eggs from across the river. Never learned to swim and can't catch the rhythm of the stroke.

Posted by: Cobb at December 28, 2003 12:57 AM

Cobb, you might want to reinstall your browser or something; apparently, it didn't load the entire first part of my entry.

That, or you're ignoring the context.

I'd expect that sort of thing from Oliver Willis or Darmon Thornton, but I'd thought better of you, bro.

Anyway, turning back to reality, I always figured one reason for the (apparent) lack of good, progressive black leaders might, possibly, be that within living memory it was the official policy of the most powerful government on the face of the planet to put a cap in they ass. That, and the hours are terrible, the pay is nonexistent, the media either ignores you or relentlessly attacks you for every misstatement you've made over your entire life. . .

Oh, never mind. Republicans good. Democrats bad.

Posted by: Aaron at December 28, 2003 10:08 PM