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December 12, 2003

Goose Creek Goose Step

Poking with a sharp stick, I am wondering what the hell is up in Goose Creek NC where police launched a full-out drug bust on a highschool campus.

I haven't seen the video but I've heard the audio and some obiter dicta from students who got whacked on the back of their heads by cops. According to the stories, about 107 kids were searched and sniffed at gunpoint, 0 were arrested. Most of the kids were black.

Since nobody else in the country cares when black kids get pushed around by cops, Jesse Jackson is about to suck all of the oxygen out of the mediasphere. Nevertheless, there are 17 suits filed as of this moment, and state Atty Gen. Henry McMaster should be starting an investigation soon. Were I an attorney, I would know how to read through the industry jargon and determine how seriously such an investigation should be taken.

In the meanwhile, considering that it's just about Christmastime, the Goose Creek officers should be gang pressed into service on the Pakastani-Afghani border for a 3 month hitch until the trial date.

UPDATE: Instapundit

Posted by mbowen at December 12, 2003 01:39 PM

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I think that those kids deserced what they got! The police were just doing there job!!!! its not the cops fault that niggers make up 80 percent of the pepole in jail!!!!

Posted by: Billy Scull at February 5, 2004 10:59 AM