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December 12, 2003

Stingy MF

I am pleased to hear that McCain-Feingold passed the Supreme Court intact. They said it couldn't be done.

The fact that it has survived is testament that we can actually do things right with our system. It doesn't buck me up completely because it's clear that the best minds that money can buy are thinking ways around it. Still, I'm rather shocked at how boneheaded the anti- arguments sound. The congressman from Ohio on the radio last night, Floyd Abrams and the other guy who was speaking on behalf of 527s all sound incapable of understanding corruption.

Abrams sounded especially clueless when he suggested that free speech takes a belly blow when bogus fronts for the national parties and PACs can't buy commercials on TV at the last minute.

As annoying as Wes Boyd can be, I'm glad things are tipping towards his distributed methodology. Even if it means Howard Dean begins to sound inevitable.

Posted by mbowen at December 12, 2003 12:19 AM

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What about the First Amendment?

Posted by: Patterico at December 12, 2003 10:29 PM

What is it materially that soft money campaign ads are saying that cannot be said? Nothing. This is an injuction against a very specific way of speaking but not against any idea. One has a right to free speech, one does not have a right to broadcast deceptively.

Everyone's first sentence is 'This is a defeat for soft money'. Congress knew what it was doing, it was policing itself.

Posted by: Cobb at December 12, 2003 10:35 PM

The same could be said of banning newspapers. You can say all the same things, just not in a newspaper.

Posted by: Patterico at December 13, 2003 05:21 PM