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December 09, 2003
It has been said that Canadians are getting sick and tired of being treated like Americans.
In focus groups held this fall in four U.S. cities where the [Canadian] federal government is opening consulates, Americans acknowledged they don't know much about Canadians."Some participants expressed a certain amount of annoyance at what is perceived as a systematic attempt by Canadians to make the statement that they are not Americans by sporting the maple leaf," said the recently released report. "This underscores the American sensitivity at feeling rejected by the rest of the world ...."
Are we Americans sensitive and feeling rejected by the rest of the world? We might be rejected by the rest of the world but I don't think we feel rejected. At least over in my corner of America we don't give a poop.
In other news, a weed-smoking California politician has been denied asylum in Vancouver. Whoda thunk? You know with a little imagination, we could all really tweak the meaning of 'perscription drug benefit' since GW is giving away the store.
I have a soft spot in my heart for the soft spot in the Canadian head. With the exception of the Meech Lake monoculturalists, Canadians generally rub me the right way. They have good manners, those Canucks, not to mention a world class government subsidized art endowment. They could teach us a thing or two about public broadcasting.
Moms spent some time up around the Bay of Fundy and got to know some Newfies. She has an espcially soft heart for simple, salt of the earth kind of people. The less sophisticated and more religious the better in her eyes. Since I find in difficult to imagine pushy Canadian evangelists I suppose they may be all good.
Now as for politics, the Canucks are entirely too ridiculously Lefty for my tastes (or anyone within 300 affinity points of me). I think they put our Leftists to shame, what with renaming the Northwest Territory and all. I hear that just east of Alaska, Canadian natives discover a new tribal right every 36 minutes. It's like fishing for steelhead used to be. But seriously, what Canadians are doing with PC has raised the ire of David Bernstein and that's sufficient to keep me warned even though I discount his alarm.
[Uhmerkin] People wonder how best to categorize Canadians without using Moose and Hockey stereotypes. I'll use cars. I think that if Canadians were cars, they would be environmentally friendly SUVs that are actually driven off road. V8s but not fuel-injected or turbocharged.
I don't get enough volume on my site yet to get quite enough verbal smackdowns, but I think I'm treading on thin ice. But let me say one more thing. I think that it is impossible for Canada to produce a RuPaul. That's the difference between lefty ambition and American ass-kicking.
Posted by mbowen at December 9, 2003 11:00 PM
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Tracked on March 15, 2005 02:08 PM
Lefty????? Hell we hold the copyright of being lefty. In fact that's where we have the US beat all to hell. You guys do lefty like you do beer...all weak and 3%....
it's humour ok guys......
Posted by: Philip Akin at December 10, 2003 02:55 PM
Yeah, but I bet RuPaul would do more Canucks than you would! (It's just a joke, please don't be huffy with me!)
Posted by: don at December 11, 2003 04:31 PM